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Activism Under Attack (2024)

GSF is proud to showcase the critical work of SAIH through their report: Activism Under Attack (2024). This timely publication sheds light on the systemic repression faced by student activists worldwide and emphasizes the vital role students play in promoting social justice and preserving democracy.

Activism Under Attack (2024)

The report provides a chilling yet comprehensive analysis of how peaceful student activism is increasingly met with violence, abuse, surveillance, and other forms of repression, including threats to students' education, visas, and even their personal safety. Using the voices of student activists themselves, the report reveals how such repression is perpetuated by a range of actors—from governments and university administrations to professors, peers, and even family members.

The report underscores a critical finding: the most significant barriers to student activism often come from those closest to students. The strength of social networks can determine the success or failure of repressive measures, pointing to the importance of community-building and care ethics in sustaining activism.

SAIH’s Activism Under Attack (2024) calls for a united effort to protect students’ rights to freedom of expression, assembly, and education. It builds on their 2023 report, providing deeper insights into the experiences of student activists and the support they need to thrive.

At the Global Student Forum, we stand with SAIH in condemning the silencing of student voices. This report reminds us of the critical need for solidarity and advocacy to ensure that student activism continues to serve as a catalyst for positive change.

We encourage everyone to read the report and join the global effort to protect students at the forefront of fighting for a better, more equitable world.

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