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Bangladesh Students' Victory: A Testament to the Power of Student Protest

The Global Student Forum has issued the following press release about the successful student-led protests in Bangladesh, highlighting the significant impact of student protests in toppling an authoritarian regime and promoting democratic reforms.

Bangladesh Students' Victory: A Testament to the Power of Student Protest

The Global Student Forum (GSF) is proud to acknowledge the momentous achievements of the student-led protests in Bangladesh, which have culminated in the resignation and departure of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina after a 15-year rule. This historic event underscores the enduring significance of student activism in the modern world.

The protests began as a movement against the reinstated quota system for government jobs, which many viewed as discriminatory and a hindrance to merit-based opportunities. Sparked by a Supreme Court decision, students from various universities across Bangladesh mobilised to demand reforms. The movement rapidly grew into a nationwide call for democracy and accountability, attracting diverse groups united against government oppression.

Despite the government's violent crackdown, which resulted in over 200 deaths and thousands of injuries, the students’ unwavering resolve led to a critical turning point. Prime Minister Hasina's resignation marks a victory not only for the protesters but also for democratic principles in Bangladesh. The military has pledged to investigate the violent responses and ensure justice for those affected.

The GSF emphasises the importance of peaceful protest as the most effective and ethical approach to social change. The Bangladesh student movement has demonstrated that persistent activism can dismantle long-standing authoritarian regimes and initiate meaningful reform. We call on all future movements to adopt non-violence as their guiding principle, ensuring that the quest for justice does not compromise human dignity or life.

Jacob Blasius, Executive Director of GSF, stated, “The bravery and determination shown by the students of Bangladesh are a testament to the power of student-led movements. Their success underscores the importance of peaceful protest and serves as a powerful reminder that collective action can bring about significant change. We stand with the students of Bangladesh and will continue to support their efforts for a fair and democratic society.”

A student protester and Global Student Forum contact in Bangladesh, Shaikh Rifad Mahmud, underscores the gravity of the moment, “The students of Bangladesh have played a major role in each of the language movements of 1952, the liberation war of 1971. This time again, on August 5, 2024, under the leadership of patriotic students, the worst, brutal, dehumanising, corrupt, vote-stealing, tyrannical government of Bengal was brutally overthrown. The unelected vote-stealing government has no accountability to the people, resulting in the brutal killing of hundreds of unarmed students by the party's armed thugs and a handful of minions of the inhumane police force. Finally, I am expecting a free, fair, impartial and peaceful parliamentary election in Bangladesh.”

As we mark this moment, we remain vigilant and committed to supporting the ongoing struggle for democratic reforms in Bangladesh. The path ahead requires sustained effort and international solidarity to ensure that the transition leads to a more equitable and democratic society.  The way forward must be built with non-violence and democratic participation.

We extend our solidarity to the brave students of Bangladesh and reaffirm our commitment to promoting and supporting peaceful student movements worldwide.

About the Global Student Forum
Global Student Forum (GSF) is the global union of student organizations, representing over 190 national and international organisations, encompassing 5,900+ local student organizations from 135 countries. GSF advocates for student rights, educational equity, and democratic participation, providing a platform for student movements worldwide.
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