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Confédération Internationale des Étudiants (CIE), 1919-1940

Confédération Internationale des Étudiants (CIE), 1919-1940
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The Confédération internationale des étudiants (International Confederation of Students) was an international student organization that operated from 1919 to 1940. It was established during the Strasbourg Congress of Union nationale des étudiants de France (National Union of Students of France) and united representatives from national student unions across various countries. The organization organized the World University Games, promoted student travel, and worked with the League of Nations to advocate for students' interests.


From the United Nations Library & Archives Geneva

Representation of the Secretariat at the Meeting of the Council of the International Confederation of Students, 15 to 20 January 1923, in Holland.

Motion to place the International Confederation of Students under the Patronage of the League of Nations, 1923

Representation of the Commission for Intellectual Cooperation in the Second General Assembly of the International Confederation of Students, Warsaw, September 1924

International Student Conference - Seventh Meeting of the Council of the Confederation, 15-25 August 1925

Eighth Meeting of the Council of the Confederation, Prague, August 1926.

International Confederation of Students - Executive Committee Meeting, Brussels, January 1927.

International Confederation of Students - Meeting of the Executive Committee, July 1927

International Confederation of Students - Ninth Meeting of the Council, Rome, 24 August-4 September 1927

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Activism in the ‘Students’ League of Nations’: International Student Politics and the Confédération Internationale des Étudiants, 1919–1939*
Abstract. The aftermath of the First World War saw manifold efforts to (re-)construct an international community. One striking feature of this development

Letter from Confederation Internationale des Etudiants to W. E. B. Du Bois, July 18, 1921

Concerning collaboration between the International Confederation of Students and African American students.

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