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COP27 Global Student Declaration

Between the 10th and the 14th of October, elected student leaders from all across the world convened in Accra, Ghana for the Global Student COP27 Pre-Summit hosted by the Global Student Forum in cooperation with the All-Africa Student Union.

COP27 Global Student Declaration

The conference represented a unique opportunity for the organised student movement to come together and develop a collective understanding, shared aspirations and joint ambition for a bold COP27 policy vision. The outcome document of the summit underwent further written consultations with national unions of students from 122 countries and serves as a reference point for the student movementโ€™s collective advocacy efforts.

This Global Student Declaration calls for urgent action on climate justice. It seeks the eyes and ears of world leaders, decision makers and those in power to recognise the injustice of the climate crisis and take action, to deliver on climate justice. It seeks solutions to the climate crisis which acknowledge that those who are least responsible, are facing the impacts of anthropogenic climate change faster and to a far greater extent than those who have financially and politically benefited.


Communication team profile image Communication team
The Communication team curates Global Student Forums' digital content and prepares publications. It is a small, dedicated team from around the world.