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Debating the future of the UN at Democracy Festival

Last week, GSF joined the Danish Democracy Festival (Folkemødet) on the island of Bornholm.

Debating the future of the UN at Democracy Festival

This event brings together 60,000 people to debate and learn about everything from the status of peace and conflict in the world to new strategies for gender equality and how access to skills-based learning can be broadened.

GSF's Jacob Blasius spoke about the future of the UN and led a workshop with young people from Europe and Africa on the shared ambitions of young people regarding development cooperation.

At the event on the future of the UN, he spoke about the need to keep our ambitions high and seek the practical solution that can strengthen the UN within the current frameworks. He emphasised:

The UN is a big and slow-moving system that can only be improved by long-term commitment to improving it. We must build on the success of the young people before us and try to keep the momentum going even when we face resistance.
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