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EASG Statement on the Summit of the Future

The Global Student Forum stands with the Education and Academia Stakeholder Group (EASG) in a call for the United Nations' Summit of the Future to prioritize education.

EASG Statement on the Summit of the Future

The Education and Academia Stakeholder Group (EASG), of which the Global Student Forum (GSF) is a member, has released a new statement on the Summit of the Future. This summit is a moment for the international community to address some of the world’s most pressing challenges and to redefine global cooperation in a time of significant change. The forthcoming "Pact for the Future" aims to guide multilateral efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), ensuring peace, justice, and human rights for all.

However, as preparations for the Summit progress, the EASG emphasizes that these global aspirations cannot be fully realized without placing education at the forefront of discussions. Education is the cornerstone of societal transformation, equipping individuals and communities with the knowledge and skills required to tackle today's interconnected challenges. The statement particularly underscores the importance of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), an element that has been overlooked in the current draft of the Pact for the Future.

The statement calls for greater civil society engagement, stressing the involvement of students, teachers, and educational stakeholders in shaping policies for sustainable development. Civil society offers diverse perspectives that reflect the needs of communities worldwide. By including students and teachers—those directly involved in the education experience—policies can be more effective and inclusive.

The EASG urges the Summit of the Future to refocus on integrating education as a central theme. Recognizing ESD as part of the Pact for the Future would not only facilitate the implementation of the SDGs but also serve as a guiding priority across all themes of the summit. The transformative power of education, coupled with the voices of civil society, students, and educational communities, can drive a more sustainable and just future for all.

The Global Student Forum stands with the EASG in this call for action, reaffirming our commitment to advocate for education as a key driver for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. We encourage all our partners and members to engage with this important discussion and amplify the message that education must remain at the heart of global governance efforts.

For more information, you can read the full statement of the Education and Academia Stakeholder Group:

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