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Global Student Forum at the 10th IPU Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians

Last week, Francis Azubuike from our Steering Committee traveled to Armenia to highlight the urgent need to prioritize the education agenda and shed light on key challenges that students face globally, including those in crisis situations.

Global Student Forum at the 10th IPU Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians

September 2024, Armenia - Last week, the Global Student Forum had the honor of being represented at the 10th IPU Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians in Armenia by our Steering Committee member, Francis Azubuike. Speaking directly to young parliamentarians from around the world, Francis underscored the critical need to prioritize the education agenda, especially as we progress beyond the halfway point for achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

During the panel session, Francis shed light on several key challenges that students face globally, including those in crisis situations. He highlighted issues such as the difficulty in accessing quality education, financial constraints, mental health concerns, inequality and discrimination against marginalized communities, and outdated curricula that do not prepare students for the modern workforce.

In his address, Francis emphasized the importance of making education systems more resilient and sustainable. He urged nations to follow UNESCO's recommendation of allocating 26% of their annual national budgets to the education sector. Furthermore, he called on young MPs to be the driving force in advocating for this critical funding.

In the picture: Mr. Lord Fakafanua, Speaker of Parliament, Tonga, and Member of the IPU Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians, Dr. Felipe Paullier, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Youth Affairs, Ms. Cynthia Lopez Castro, Senator, Mexico, and President of the IPU Bureau of Women Parliamentarians, Mr. Mikhail Pouchkin, Director of the Decent Work Technical Support Team and Country Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia at the International Labour Organization (ILO), Ms. Emma Muteka, MP from Namibia, and GSF Steering Committee member, Francis Azubuike.

Francis also stressed the significance of building strong connections with students by engaging in active listening, supporting student-led initiatives, and offering opportunities for student involvement through volunteerism and internships.

To wrap up his intervention, Francis shared best practices for policy implementation and highlighted successful education initiatives from around the globe. He left the young lawmakers with a powerful message: "Achieving quality education is central to reaching all 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The greatest legacy you can leave behind as young lawmakers is to legislate for enhanced digital reforms, increased funding, the inclusion of marginalized students, and the continuous training and development of teachers."

The Global Student Forum is proud to have participated in this important global event and will continue to advocate for educational reforms that support students everywhere.

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The Communication team curates Global Student Forums' digital content and prepares publications. It is a small, dedicated team from around the world.