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Global Student Forum Selected to Join United Nations Youth Core Group

Jacob Blasius will represent the Global Student Forum in the United Nations Youth Office’s inaugural Youth Core Group. This selection emphasizes GSF’s key role in global youth advocacy, with Jacob contributing to UN initiatives under the Youth2030 strategy.

Global Student Forum Selected to Join United Nations Youth Core Group
UN ECOSOC Youth Forum 2023

The Global Student Forum (GSF) has achieved a significant milestone in its advocacy for global youth representation, with the official selection of GSF to join the inaugural United Nations Youth Office’s (UNYO) Core Group. This prestigious appointment underscores GSF’s influence in the international arena and its commitment to amplifying student voices at the highest levels of global governance. Jacob Blasius, GSF Executive director, has been chosen to represent the organization in the Youth Core Group.

The United Nations Youth Office, established by General Assembly resolution 76/306, serves as a dedicated entity for youth affairs within the UN Secretariat. The UNYO is tasked with leading youth engagement and advocating for the advancement of youth issues across the UN’s core areas: peace and security, sustainable development, and human rights. The Youth Core Group, which Jacob Blasius will now be a part of, will play a crucial role in providing strategic guidance to the UNYO, particularly in the implementation of the UN’s Youth2030 strategy.

The appointment of GSF and Jacob Blasius to this group is a testament to the impact that organized student movements can have on global governance. The Global Student Forum, which represents a vast network of student unions and organizations globally, has consistently advocated for the inclusion of youth voices in international policymaking. This new role within the UNYO's Youth Core Group marks a significant step forward in those efforts.

In response to his selection, Jacob Blasius expressed his gratitude and commitment to the role:

"It is an honour to represent the Global Student Forum in the Core Group. I am eager to work alongside other young leaders to ensure that the voices of students are integral to the UN’s work. This is a crucial opportunity to influence the future direction of youth engagement within the United Nations, and I am committed to making the most of it."

The Global Student Forum is proud of this achievement and looks forward to the contributions Jacob Blasius will make on behalf of the organization and the broader community. GSF’s involvement in the Youth Core Group is not only a recognition of its past efforts but also a call to continue its work in ensuring that students are empowered to shape the global agenda.

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The Communication team curates Global Student Forums' digital content and prepares publications. It is a small, dedicated team from around the world.