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Global Student Forum to Host Youth Democracy Movement

The Global Student Forum will host the Youth Democracy Movement, following a unanimous vote in May 2024.

Global Student Forum to Host Youth Democracy Movement

The Global Student Forum is proud to announce that the Steering Committee voted unanimously in May of 2024 to host the Youth Democracy Movement. The Global Student Forum brings together more than 190 national and international organisations, encompassing more than 5,900 local organisations from 135 countries and territories, representing 300 million students worldwide. As the host of the Youth Democracy Movement, the Global Student Forum will safeguard the progress, strengthen the infrastructure, and advance the vision of the movement.

On International Youth Day 2022, the Education Cannot Wait Youth Constituency, the first democratic youth constituency in the humanitarian sector, called on humanitarian funds, development partners and United Nations agencies to democratically include young people in decision-making structures across the humanitarian-development nexus and United Nations system. 

Composed of 130 youth-led NGOs from 40 crisis-affected countries and hosted by the 100 Million Campaign at Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation, the elected representative of the Education Cannot Wait Youth Constituency, Henry Wright, made the call on United Nations TV outside the Human Rights Council at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. 

The call to action was endorsed by the All-Africa Students’ Union, European Students’ Union, Commonwealth Students Association, Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions, La Organización Continental Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Estudiantes, Global Student Forum, Global Campaign for Education United States, Global Campaign for Education - Germany, and Arab Campaign for Education for All, transforming an aspiration into a grassroots movement. 

2022 Call for the Youth Democracy Movement


Credit UNTV Geneva

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