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Call for Education Financing and Tax Justice at UNGA78

Call for Education Financing and Tax Justice at UNGA78

At this years United Nations General Assembly (UNGA78) SDG Summit, we were calling on world leaders to end the age of resource extractivism and colonial exploitation of developing countries which further accommodates the hoarding of unimaginable non productive capital by a few - at a degree that has never be seen before in the history of humankind.

Across regions, student movements umbrellaed under the Global Student Forum have denounced the role of big multinationals in exploiting taxloopholes and promoting corruption in order to avoid their tax responsibilities.

Multinationals, tech companies, and the private sector as a whole can be great allies in education but it seems that they have for decades (purposefully) misunderstood their role.

As business actors, their role isn’t to run philanthropic education initiatives - but rather to fully pay their taxes to sustain public education through a widened fiscal space.

Watch the full intervention

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