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GSF Joins Democratic Youth Constituency for Climate Action

The Global Student Forum is happy to announce that we are joining the constituency of youth and students for climate action.

GSF Joins Democratic Youth Constituency for Climate Action
Henry Wright, chair of the Youth Democracy Movement, and Anna Weinrich, board member of the Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions, have spearheaded the work towards creating the constituency.

On April 9, 2024, the Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions, in partnership with the Youth Democracy Movement, announced the formation of the democratic youth constituency for climate action at the Enniscorthy Forum in County Wexford, Ireland. As a founding member, the Global Student Forum joined the constituency alongside the Irish Second-Level Students’ Union, the Union of Students in Ireland, and the European Students’ Union. 

Jacob Blasius, Executive Director of the Global Student Forum, says:

The GSF is pleased to support the creation of the global, democratic youth and student constituency for climate action. In recognition of the challenges inherent to sustaining climate activism and the intergenerational divide that delays an energy transition, the GSF is glad to mobilise its membership of more than 190 national and international student organisations, encompassing 5900+ local organisations, in a collective pursuit of sustainable and intergenerational solutions to the climate crisis.
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