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GSF Policy Recommendations - Transforming Education Summit

On the 24th of August 2022, student union delegations from more than 60 countries convened for the United Nations Transforming Education Summit Student Consultation on the Five Thematic Action Tracks hosted by the Global Student Forum.

GSF Policy Recommendations - Transforming Education Summit
Photo by Doug Linstedt / Unsplash

The event plenary was opened by TES Special Advisor to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, Professor Leonardo Garnier, before delegates were divided into parallel sessions for regional consultations on the Action Tracks.

An outcome document was synthesized and subsequently went through another written consultation, involving all delegations present in the meeting before being adopted by the Global Student Forum Steering Committee as the formal recommendation of the international student movement towards the Transforming Education Summit Secretariat and as a reference point for student union advocacy on the national, regional and global level.

Download the recommendations

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