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GSF Side Event – United Nations 67th Commission on the Status of Women

Educate a girl and she can change the world!

GSF Side Event – United Nations 67th Commission on the Status of Women
Photo by Davi Mendes / Unsplash

Despite this, 129 million girls are out of school. It is projected that 11 million to 20 million more girls will not go back to school following the pandemic. Even those who get to go to school often have less opportunities than men and boys, with only 57% of the world’s women having access to the internet.Join us for our virtual side event for the 67th Commission on the Status of Women #CSW67 on the 13th of March from 12pm-3pm CET.

The event will be held in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Register today to attend at:

The GSF in partnership with the All-Africa Students UNION and European Students’ Union – ESU, are hosting this massive virtual event with speakers from the UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report, the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, the 100 Million campaign, Education International, and City 2000 Youth Action International. Other speakers include Womens’ Mentorship Students’ Association, Studomatrix, Erasmus Student Network, the Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions, the NZUSA – New Zealand Union of Students’ Associations, and many more!

Come join gender activists, intergovernmental bodies, political figures, and educators, as we discuss the importance of women and girls access to digital technologies in education across the world.

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