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Membership Application

Strengthen our global alliance by making your organisation a member.

Membership Application
Board Meeting of the European Students' Union (ESU) in Paris, France, 2022

The Global Student Forum membership includes five regional unions and more than 190 national and international organisations, encompassing 5900+ local organisations from more than 130 countries and territories.

Every day, we work for the interests of these members. Without them, we could not be the voice of students globally. We seek to bring them closer together so they can join forces and learn from each other. We create opportunities for them to be heard on the global stage and speak up when they face repression.

Discover the membership in our Membership Directory, and apply below to make your organisation a member.

Membership Directory

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Follow the application guide, and get ready to join our movement.

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Communication team profile image Communication team
The Communication team curates Global Student Forums' digital content and prepares publications. It is a small, dedicated team from around the world.