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Defining Meaningful Partnerships at the Nordic-African Conference on Quality Education

GSF's Executive Director, Jacob Blasius joined the Nordic-African Conference on Quality Education to speak about how meaningful partnerships with students are imperative to the success of education.

Defining Meaningful Partnerships at the Nordic-African Conference on Quality Education
Photo by PlanBørnefonden

Africa, the world's youngest continent, is projected to be home to 1 billion children under 18 by 2050. This demographic presents immense potential for development and growth. However, the path to harnessing this potential is fraught with challenges, particularly the barriers to education caused by both climate and human-made crises.

The recent Nordic-African Conference on Quality Education, co-organized by PlanBørnefonden, Red Barnet, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sierra Leone's Ministry of Education, The LEGO Foundation, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), Finn Church Aid, and Oxfam Denmark, addressed these pressing issues. The conference emphasized the urgent need to provide education during and after crises.

GSF's Executive Director, Jacob Blasius, spoke at the conference about the urgent need for strategies for meaningful student participation. He highlighted how young people and students are yet to fully realise partners in the future of education.

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