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Posters from the International Union of Students, 1978, 1986

Posters from the International Union of Students, 1978, 1986

40th-anniversary posters from 1986


  • Education: a right, not a privilege, 1986
  • 40 IUS 1946-1986, 1986
  • IUS in cooperation with international organizations, 1986
  • IUS press and information activities, 1986
  • Solidarity, solidarity, solidarity, 1986
  • Student art and culture in the service of education, 1986
  • Student struggle for development, 1986
  • Students travel for peace and international understanding, 1986

Education: A right, not a privilege

Artwork by Biernot, 1978

Communication team profile image Communication team
The Communication team curates Global Student Forums' digital content and prepares publications. It is a small, dedicated team from around the world.