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Statement in Solidarity with Students in India

It is harrowing to learn that at least 30 students across multiple universities in India have been detained for the screening of the BBC documentary India: The Modi Question.

Statement in Solidarity with Students in India
Photo by Naveed Ahmed / Unsplash

At one university in New Delhi, a power and Internet shutdown was allegedly imposed by the university administration during the screening of the documentary. This comes after a unilateral ban was imposed on sharing the documentary on Twitter and YouTube.

This ban is a clear act of censorship and an attack on freedom of expression, being used by the Government of India as a vehicle for suppressing dissent.

Unlike social media sharing, the Government has not explicitly banned the screening of the documentary, therefore the detention of students is even more alarming.

The BBC Documentary investigates the complicity of Prime Minister Narendra Modi who was then the sitting Chief Minister of the state in the 2002 Gujarat massacre, that claimed over a thousand Muslim lives.

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