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Statutory documents of the International Union of Students (IUS), 1991-1992

Statutory documents of the International Union of Students (IUS), 1991-1992

The following documents include the Constitution of the International Union of Students (IUS) as amended at the Extraordinary Congress of the IUS held in Prague, CSFR, on April 7-10, 1991. The Constitution was originally drawn up at the founding Congress of the IUS in 1946.

Also included are the By-laws of the IUS Constitution, the Standing Orders of the IUS Congress and the Statutes of the IUS Specialized Structures, all as approved by the Extraordinary Congress of the IUS, and incorporating the amendments made at the 16th Congress of the IUS held in Larnaca, Cyprus, on January 20-24, 1992.

Additionally you will find the Constitution of the International Union of Secondary School Students (IUSESS) as adopted at its Constituent Congress held in Lernaca, Cyprus, on January 29-24, 1992.

IUSESS is a specialized structure that represents secondary school students. Although it has full organizational autonomy, its common membership with the IUS has built strong bonds between the two structures, as reflected in the constitutional documents of both organizations.



[This preamble was formulated and adopted at the World Student Congress on Tuesday, August 27, 1946 which created the IUS. Since then it has remained unamended, as it expresses the original will of the founding members.]

We students of the world,

  • gathered in Prague in August 1946 at the World Student Congress called by the International Preparatory Committee elected by the London International Student Conference of November 1945,
  • conscious of the historic significance of this era in which the Charter of the United Nations is being established and in which all workers and young people are striving in the service of humankind towards the fundamentals of social and economic advancement,
  • faithful to the example of the best of our members who died in the fight of the democratic peoples for their liberty,

Affirm our will

  • to build again a better world desirous of liberty, peace and progress and to take that place in the vanguard of the youth of the world which we have held so often before in the course of history:

To this end, we do now constitute the. International Union of Students.

The International Union of Students considers the unity of all democratic forces which work for progress and base their activities on the principles of the United Nations to be an indispensable condition for the realization of a just and lasting peace and the equality of all peoples.

The purpose of the International Union of Students, which is founded upon the representative student organizations of different countries, shall be to defend the rights and interests of students to promote improvement in their welfare and standard of education and to prepare them for their tasks as democratic citizens.


The name of the organization shall be:


(Hereafter referred to as the IUS).


The headquarters of the IUS shall be located in Prague, Czechoslovakia.


The IUS, as a representative international broad based, universal, unique, democratic, pluralistic, independent non-profit, non-governmental, syndical (trade union-like), non-partisan student organization which would embrace, represent and defend the interests of students throughout the world, shall strive for the following aims:

  1. The attainment of education for all, through the universal establishment of free compulsory primary and secondary education; the right to equal access to tertiary and university education, regardless of political conviction, religion, colour or race sex sexual orientation, economic circumstances, social standing, or any disability one may have; the right to adequate education budgets and an extensive system of state scholarships and family allowances; the provision of basic study materials free of charge; facilities. for the maintenance of health and all other means of improving the living conditions of students as well as of enabling them to fully benefit from cultural achievements and to fully enrich their personalities, to make "education a right, not a privilege".
  2. The implementation of the reform and democratization of education, the achievement of academic freed-om and university autonomy, respect for student interests and defence of their rights, especially the students' right to organize themselves, and the right to participate in all related decision-making processes.
  3. The development of education and science in the direction of meeting the aspirations and needs of the peoples in their respective societies. The promotion and implementation within the school and academic communities of the principles and objectives of education for peace and friendship.
  4. The expression of effective international solidarity and the participation of students who are part and parcel of their people in the striving for freedom and national independence, economic and social progress, democracy, equality, human rights, national sovereignty and self-determination, for peace and security, and against imperialism, colonialism and neo-colonialism, dictatorship, totalitarianism, fascism, religious fundamentalism, and all forms of discrimination, in particular racial discrimination.
  5. The mobilization of students in the global efforts exerted for peace and disarmament, for the prevention of nuclear war, the elimination of nuclear or other. weapons of mass annihilation and the dissolution of military blocs, for the implementation of the principles of cooperation, good neighbourly relations among states, a universal system of international security based on mutual respect and equality, non-interference in the internal affairs of other states and the solution of all problems among states through political means and not by the threat to use force, or by the use of force.
  6. The contribution to the struggle for finding solutions to acute economic problems hindering development of whole nations, and for the implementation of principles for a just world system of equal economic relations and security among states; the finding of solutions to urgent global problems that humanity faces, through its joint efforts particularly the problems of the environment, sustainable development, poverty, overpopulation, drug abuse health, etc., and the establishment of a just world information, cultural and communication order.
  7. The promotion and defence of national culture, appreciation of the cultures of all peoples, humanistic values and traditions.
  8. The achievement of equal possibilities for women to participate fully in all aspects of life of their respective societies which require positive actions on all levels.
  9. The achievement of the unity of the student movement in each country at all levels.
  10. Friendship, mutual understanding and cooperation among all students of the world and the unity of the world student community.
  11. The active participation in the activities of the world youth movement, contribution to the development of cooperation and dialogue among its ranks, and to its unity of action.


The IUS shall carry out its activities in the spirit of the aims described in Section III of this Constitution. These activities, organized by the IUS directly or in cooperation with student or other organizations, may include:

  1. International, regional, subregional and national student meetings, both general and specialized, and any action deemed necessary for the realization of the policies and programmes which may be decided upon at such meetings. Work for the broadest possible student participation in these actions and elaboration of such decisions that provide for an effective and broadest unity of action of the international student movement, irrespective of the political, ideological, social, religious, cultural or ethnic background.
  2. The support and encouragement of contributions by students and their organizations towards the establishment of better international understanding, the preservation of peace, the promotion of disarmament, international solidarity, democratic education, equality, academic freedom and student rights, and the contribution to the struggle for development and the solution of global problems,
  3. All possible assistance to students and the promotion of international solidarity activities in support of their struggle for democracy, freedom, human rights, self-determination, national sovereignty and independence.
  4. The organization of relief work and, to this end, the extension of material and financial aid to students and their organizations which are in need of it. This is to be undertaken by the creation of special funds and the institution of national and international campaigns. In its relief work, the IUS should cooperate with the appropriate bodies.
  5. International campaigns in support of the struggles of students for the reform and democratization of educa tion in defence of their rights and interests, and the promotion of academic mobility, rendered through political, moral and material support.
  6. The collection of information concerning student problems and its dissemination throughout the world.
  7. The maintenance and strengthening of the channels of communication with the United Nations system, and in particular with UNESCO; the development of close relations with other international organizations on matters of common interest to students.
  8. The presentation of student problems before international organizations.
  9. Development of close contacts with international and regional democratic organizations on issues of common interest. The laying of special emphasis on issues of cooperation with regional and international student structures, as well as with youth, academic, scientific and other social movements and groupings.
  10. The promotion of all forms of practical cooperation among students and their organizations on a faculty basis.
  11. The encouragement of student cultural activities.
  12. Various forms of student tourism, travel and exchange.
  13. The organization or support of student sport activities.
  14. International student correspondence.
  15. The publication of official periodicals of the IUS in as many of the main world languages as is demanded by their circulation.
  16. The formation of specialized bodies or agencies of the IUS in order to facilitate activities in specialized fields of student interest.
  17. All other activities that may be necessary for furthering the aims of the IUS.


In fulfilling the above aims and activities, the following principles of organization and methodology of work shall be observed:

  1. The IUS shall facilitate its member and friendly unions to achieve within its ranks sufficient levels of:
    • exchange of information;
    • debate on specific issues;
    • coordination agreement on and promotion of joint and/or parallel actions of a political, syndical (trade union-like) and/or other nature;
  2. In the achievement of the above, the strictly non-partisan, democratic multi-tendency nature and pluralistic set-up of the organization shall be taken into account, by facilitating dialogue, tolerance and respect for each others opinions, and by trying to achieve consensus.
  3. The IUS shall seek methods of directly involving the member unions in decision-making processes; this shall be done by participation directly in the governing bodies and by creating mechanisms of direct involvement of member unions and coordination in the elected executive and advisory bodies.
  4. The IUS shall work to fulfil its aims and activities in relation to the student movement of a particular country by primarily taking into consideration the specific realities in which it functions.



The basic membership unit of the IUS shall be the National Union of Students (NUS). National unions are regarded as those student organizations which, as broad structures, provide a balanced representation for students in or from a given country ( or territory ) , truly representing their interests and rights:

  1. which are controlled and run by students, and in which all members of all governing bodies are democratically elected by the members of the organization;
  2. which, in their decision-making, function autonomously and independently of state authorities or other non-student forces;
  3. which are open to all students in or from the country concerned, without regard to their political conviction, religion, colour or race, sex, sexual orientation, economic circumstances, any disability they may have, their field or place of study, or their social standing;
  4. which represent the majority of students in or from the country concerned, organized on the basis of the three principles outlined above, and are the only such structures in or from the country concerned.


Categories of membership in the IUS shall be:

  • Full members
  • Associate members
  • Members with consultative status


Full members of the IUS shall be all those organizations fulfilling all the criteria set above for NUSes.
Full members of the IUS shall also be exceptionally the following organizations fulfilling most of the basic criteria set above for NUSes as follows:

  1. Organisations which fulfil all the criteria set for NUSes, except that of "representing the majority of students in or from the country";
  2. National Youth Organizations (NYOs) which represent, within their ranks, students in or from a country, organized in an autonomous student section of the organization - provided no NUS exists within the country concerned and that these NYOs fulfil all the other criteria set for NUSes, with the possible exception of "representing the majority of students in or from the country";
  3. National Student Organizations (NSOs) which organize students from one country who are in exile abroad - provided they fulfil all the criteria set for NUSes with the possible exception of "representing the majority of students in or from the country" ;
  4. National Student Representations (NSRs), which bring together two or more NSOs in or from a country (or two or more complementary regional, territorial, faculty or university student structures) - provided that together they fulfil all the criteria set for NUSes, with the possible exception of "representing the majority of students in or from the country". If only one union from a country or territory with such a reality applies for membership it may be affiliated under this category of membership only if the IUS Congress agrees to this by a 2/3 majority vote.
  5. Any other cases accepted by a 2/3 majority vote at the IUS Congress.


Every organization which is a full member of the IUS has the right:

  1. To receive delegate status at IUS Congresses.
  2. To participate in all proceedings of IUS Congresses.
  3. To submit suggestions and motions for discussion to IUS Congresses and executive bodies.
  4. To elect and be elected to the executive bodies of the IUS.
  5. To participate in meetings of any of the governing, executive and advisory bodies in which it is not represented, whenever questions which concern it directly are being discussed or decided upon.
  6. To seek the assistance of the IUS for the execution of any particular activity or project which it may undertake.
  7. To employ in its title the status of membership and to use the emblem of the IUS.
  8. To disaffiliate and/or temporarily suspend its membership.


Every organization which is a full member of the IUS shall accept the following obligations:

  1. To accept the IUS Constitution and to actively contribute to the implementation of its aims and principles.
  2. To contribute to the implementation of decisions of IUS governing and executive bodies, so far as these are in accordance with their constitutions and policies.
  3. To pay their membership fees and other dues as are required by the decisions of the IUS Congresses.


Associate members shall be admitted. Such members shall be student organizations which are eligible for full membership in the IUS and have their respective rights, but which, within the limitations of their own constitutions, accept limited obligations and in return receive certain rights of associate membership. These obligations and rights shall be determined by agreement between the IUS Constitutional Committee on the one hand, and the organization concerned on the other, and must be ratified by the following IUS Congress.


Members with Consultative Status shall be:

  1. Organizations which qualify for full or associate membership but which desire to have only working relations with the IUS may apply for consultative status with the IUS. Such organizations may take part in IUS Congresses without voting rights, seek the assistance of the IUS and participate in activities of the IUS.
  2. Organizations which do not qualify for full or associate membership but which desire to have only working relations with the IUS may apply for consultative status with the IUS. Such organizations may take part in IUS Congresses without voting rights, seek the assistance and participate in activities of the IU5. These shall be:
    1. NSOs, or NYOs with an autonomous student section, which do not meet the criteria set out above for full membership (provided they are fully democratic, independent and autonomous in their decision-making). If there is a union from the country or territory concerned which already has full or associate member status, it may lodge an objection to the affiliation of an NS0, or NYD from the same country or territory. Following uch an objection, the NS0, or NYO concerned shall require a 2/3 majority vote at the IUS Congress to be accepted for IUS membership.
    2. Student organizations which represent a particular national or ethnic minority or community. If there is a union from the country or territory concerned which already has full or associate member status, it may lodge an objection to the affiliation of such a student organization from the same country or territory. Following such an objection, this student organization shall requite a 2/3 majority vote at the IUS Congress to be accepted for IUS membership.
    3. Local, university or national faculty student unions from a country where no natiunal organization exists and until such an organization is established.
    4. Student organizations of a specific character:
      religious, cultural, sport, relief, press, exchange, travel or women's organizations. If there is a union from the country or territory concerned which already has full or associate member status, it may lodge an objection to the affiliation of the above organization. Following such an objection, this student organization shall require a 2/3 majority vote at the IUS Congress to be accepted for IUS membership.
    5. Organizations of students from a particular country studying abroad. If there is a union from the country or territory concerned which already has full or associate member status, it may lodge an objection to the affiliation of the above organization. Following such an objection, this student organization shall require a 2/3 majority vote at the IUS Congress to be accepted for IUS membership.
    6. Organizations of students from abroad studying in a particular country. If there is a union from the host country concerned which already has full or associate member status, it may lodge an objection to the affiliation of the above organization. Following such an objection, this student organization shall require a 2/3 majority vote at the IUS Congress to be accepted for IUS membership.
  3. National school-student unions (NSSUs) may apply for consultative status with the IUS. Such organizations shall be entitled to participate in specialized activities of the IUS on issues related to secondary-school education. NSSU members of the IUS specialized body representing Secondary-School Students (SESS) shall automatically receive membership with consultative status in the IU5. They may also take part in the IUS Congresses without voting rights, seek the assistance and participate in other activities of the IUS.
  4. The IUS Congress shall consider any other appropriate cases for affiliation in this category of membership by a 2/3 majority vote.
  5. Consultative status does not require full acceptance of the IUS Constitution, but only of certain working relations connected with the activities of the IUS.


  1. Student organizations applying through the Executive Secretariat for membership may be accepted by decision of the Council, subject to ratification by the next Congress of the IUS. The Council shall keep in its decision-making the special voting majorities outlined above. Such decisions shall be taken on the basis of recommendations made by the IUS Constitutional Committee as detailed in the by-law "on membership and its review".
  2. Member organizations of the IUS intending to disaffiliate must inform the Council through the Executive Secretariat of their decision. Such organizations may present to the following IUS Congress the reasons for their disaffiliation.
  3. Admission to the IUS does not run against the affiliation to other organizations.


The IUS membership shall be reviewed at IUS Congress and Council sessions, on the basis of recommendations to be prepared by the IUS Constitutional Committee. The Constitutional Committee shall be guided in its work by the by-law "on membership and its review".

In reviewing the IUS membership the IUS Constitutional Committee, with the aim of protecting the identity and principles of the IUS and defending the democratic principles of association of students, may recommend: that notice be taken of any change in the name of a member union; that a change be made to the category of membership of a member union; that certain Constitutional rights of a member union be suspended; that a union' s membership of the IUS be frozen for a certain period; that a union's membership of the IUS be terminated. Therecommendation to terminate a union' s membership of the IUS shall require a 2/3 majority of votes cast at the IUS Congress.

The Council meetings of the IUS in adopting such a review shall require a 2/3 majority vote. Such decisions have to be ratified by the next Congress of the IUS.


The highest governing body of the IUS shall be the Congress (hereafter referred to as the IUS Congress).

The executive bodies shall be the Council and the Executive Secretariat.

The advisory bodies and platforms of the IUS shall be the Constitutional Committee ( CC ) , the Auditing Committee (AC), the Regional Consultative Platforms (RCPs) and the Thematic Platforms (Tps).

In exercising their functions, the governing executive and advisory bodies shall:

  • follow as their sole guide the principles and aims of this Constitution and the interests of the students of the world.
  • act in the spirit of mutual respect and equality among different student organizations of the world and strive to reflect the views of member organizations of the IUS.
  • respect the independence, sovereignty, organizational integrity and autonomy of the member organizations of the IUS.

The inter-relationship between these three levels of structural organization in the IUS shall be determined as follows:

  • the IUS Congress, as the higher governing body of the IUS to which all memberunions participate directly, shall be entitled on the basis of this constitution to make any decisions concerning the union;
  • between two Congresses the decision-making powers of the Conqress (save where this is clearly proscribed in this Constitution) shall be passed to the Council;
  • between two sessions of the Council, the Executive Secretariat shall execute and follow up the decisions taken by the IUS Congress and Council, and coordinate with the CC and AC the smooth running of the IUS;
  • the Regional Consultative and Thematic Platforms shall function as advisory platforms assisting the governing and executive bodies of the IUS by referring to them detailed policies elaborated through the direct participation or representation of the member unions;
  • the Constitutional Committee and Auditing Committee as advisory bodies shall fulfil their mandates as determined in the relevant part of the IUS Constitution;


  1. The Congress has the authority to:
    1. Amend the Constitution, standing orders and by-laws;
    2. Review the work of the IUS since the last Congress:
      • Discuss the report on the work of the Council and the Executive Secretariat;
      • Discuss the report from the Constitutional Committee;
      • Review the IUS membership;
      • Discuss the report from the Auditing Committee;
      • Discuss the reports from the IUS Specialized Structures
    3. Work out the policy and programme of the IUS:
      • Adopt resolutions on the IUS policy and programme;
      • Set up IUS representative offices in different parts of the world (in accordance with the by-law "on IUS representative offices");
      • Create specialized structures to assist the implementation of the policy of the IUS;
      • Affiliate the IUS to other organizations;
      • Approve new affiliat.ions to the IUS;
      • Approve the budget and fix the scales and dates of payment of membership fees and other dues;
      • Elect members of the Council, the Executive Secretariat, the Constitutional Committee and the Auditing Committee;
  2. The Congress shall be composed of delegates from all IUS member unions. Member unions from the full or associate membership categories from one country shall have one vote. Observers and guests may also be invited to attend the Congress;
  3. The Congress shall meet at least once in four years; the Executive Secretariat in consultation with the Council members shall inform all member organizations of the proposed agenda, date and place of the Congress not later than three months before the meeting of the Congress. The Executive Secretariat should work towards providing the maximum possible flow of related information to and between the member unions.
  4. Extraordinary Congresses may be convened at the request of not less than 1/3 of the total number of full and associate member organizations of the IUS.
  5. The IUS Congress shall be conducted in accordance with the "lUS Standing Orders" to be adopted at the start of each IUS Congress.
  6. All decisions of Congress shall be taken by vote. All such decisions, except when otherwise stated, shall require a majority of 50 per cent +1 of the full or associate member unions present.
  7. The quorum shall consist of delegations of 2/3 of the total number of full and associate member organizations of the IUS. If the Congress is inquorate at the time fixed for its opening, it shall be postponed for 24 hours. The Congress shall then be considered quorate if 50 per cent +1 of the total number of full and associate member organizations of the IUS are present. If this is not attained a new Congress should be held within six months.


  1. Between Congresses, the Council shall assume the powers of the IUS Congress, except those powers exclusively reserved for the IUS Congress in the Constitution.
  2. The Council shall function in ways similar to the IUS Congress (as determined in Sub-Section I of this Constitution).
  3. The Council shall meet once a year. Observers and guests may also be invited to attend the Council sessions.
  4. Two-thirds of the members of the Council shall constitute its quorum. If the Council is inquorate at the time fixed for its opening, it shall be postponed for 24 hours. The Council shall then be considered quorate if 50 per cent + 1 of the total number of full and associate member organizations of the Council are present.
  5. The Council shall be empowered to work out the plan of work of the IUS, for the period till its next session.
  6. The members of the IUS Council and its election by the Congress shall be determined in accordance with the by-law "on election rules and procedures".
  7. The IUS Council shall be composed of the members of the IUS Executive Secretariat, the members of the IUS Constitutional Committee, and the representations (or respective chair-organizations) of Regional Consultative and Thematic Platforms (as determined in the by-law "on the IUS Regional Consultative and Thematic Platforms").
  8. The Council shall also have the power to "affiliate the IUS to other organizations" or to "set up IUS representative offices in di£ferent parts of the world" by a 2/3 majority of votes cast.
  9. All decisions of the Council shall be taken by vote. All such decisions, except where otherwise stated, shall require a majority of 50 per cent +1 majority of the full or associate member unions present. Council decisions may be taken by referendum among Council members. The by-law on "referendums" shall further detail this.


  1. The Executive Secretariat shall execute and follow up the policies, decisions and projects adopted by the IUS Congress and Council. The by-law "on the role of the IUS Executive Secretariat" shall further determine its functioning.
  2. The activities of the Executive Secretariat and its divisions shall be supervised by the Council, and the Executive Secretariat shall submit regular reports on its work to the Council.
  3. The IUS Executive Secretariat shall be entrusted with the running of the IUS headquarters, the supervision of the work of the specialized bodies, the administration of IUS finances and property, keeping the IUS archives and documents, the coordination of work with IUS representative offices.
  4. The IUS Executive Secretariat, its election by the IUS Congress and the procedures for replacement/re-election of its members by the Council shall be determined in accordance with the by-law "on election rules and procedures" .
    This shall be composed of the President, Secretary General, Treasurer, five Regional Secretaries and five Secretaries covering specific divisions of work (education; student rights and academic freedom; information, communications and publicity; contacts with international bodies and organizations; women's equality and rights). The IUS Executive Secretariat shall act from the IUS headquarters unless it is decided by the IUS Congress (or the IUS Council by a 50 per cent +1 vote of its members) to situate some of its members in IUS Representative Offices due to budgetary or other functional considerations; in such cases the minimum representation remaining based at the IUS headquarters shall be the President, Secretary General, Treasurer.
    The elected member unions shall appoint their representatives as determined in the by-law "on election rules and procedures". The members of the IUS Executive Secretariat have the obligation to carry out the mandates vested in them by the IUS Congress and Council. They shall not implement or refer to their national mandate in the work of the IUS Executive Secretariat.
  5. Between Congresses, the IUS Executive Secretariat shall represent the Union in dealing with any third party. Before any legal bodies or authorities the IUS shall be represented by the President, Secretary General, and Treasurer. The combined signature of any two of the above persons shall bind the union. In carrying out official duties or functions assigned to them by the union, the members of the Executive Secretariat shall be indemnified.
  6. The IUS Exécutive Secretariat shall adopt its own internal regulations determining ist working methods; these shall be submitted at the next Council meeting for ratification.
  7. The mandate to an outgoing Executive Secretariat shall be extended for a period of up to three months after the holding of the IUS Congress. During this period, the outgoing and newly elected Secretariats shall arrange the hand-over of all IUS property and materials on the basis of a jointly signed protocol, and prepare a smooth transition. The newly elected Executive Secretariat shall assume full responsibility at the end of the three month period.
  8. The Executive Secretariat shall decide on the extension of invitations to observers or guests to the IUS Congress or Council meetings. The rights of the above shall be determined in the "lUS Standing Orders".
  9. The Executive Secretariat shall employ on a contractual basis individual persons as Executive Officers on the basis of their personal specialized knowledge and experiences to perform tasks in the divisions of the Executive Secretariat or the Specialized Structures. It shall also employ technical staff to carry out tasks related to the running of the IUS headquarters. All these shall be done on the basis of the relevant budgetary allocation.


  1. The Constitutional Committee:
    1. Shall be empowered to deal with issues of constitutional interpretation, to examine and recommend new affiliations, to carry out a membership review, and to prepare a report to the Council and Congress on the extent to which the decisions and actions of the various IUS bodies and platforms are in conformity with the rules and regulations. It shall examine the credentials of Executive Secretariat members, and shall act at the start of every IUS Congress as the body that will examine the credentials of the delegates and announce the attainment of a quorum. The by-law "on the IUS Constitutional Committee" shall further determine the functioning of this body.
    2. Shall be composed of five members who shall be elected on a regional basis in accordance with the by-law "on election rules and procedures" . The members of the CC shall elect among themselves the chair-organization of the CC.
    3. The Constitutional Committee member unions shall not hold office in the IUS Executive Secretariat or the Auditing Committee.
    4. All decisions in the Constitutional Committee shall be taken by a majority vote of 50 per cent +1. When decisions are taken by vote, information on minority opinions shall also be communicated.
    5. The Auditing Committee:
      • Shall be empowered to check the implementation of the IUS budget and overview IUS finances and property; it shall cooperate with the official auditor appointed by the IUS Council to prepare audited accounts of the IUS. It shall present reports on IUS finances and property at Council meetings and the IUS Congress.
      • Shall be composed of five members elected by the IUS Congress. These shall be elected on a regional basis in accordance with the by-law "on election rules and procedures"
    6. The Members of the Auditing Committee shall attend the Council sessions in the capacity of observers.
    7. The member unions of the Auditing Committee shall not hold office in the Council.
    8. All decisions in the Auditing Committee shall be taken by a majority vote of 50 per cent +1.


  1. The IUS member unions shall have the right to create various platforms as advisory bodies with the aim of coordinating on concrete issues, facilitating decision-making, Increasing the flow of information and providing the IUS member unions with channels for direct involvement in IUS work. These platforms shall not act autonomously but shall be obliged to refer their programmes and proposals for adoption by the governing or executive body in session. The by-law "on the IUS Regional Consultative and Thematic Platforms" shall define the functioning of these platforms. The above platforms shall in no case negate the right of any individual member union to propose, at any time, motions for adoption.
  2. The Regional Consultative Platforms shall be created on the basis of well-defined regional divisions (included in the by-law "on the IUS Regional Consultative and Thematic platforms"). All member unions from the reqion shall automatically have the right to participate in these platforms. The Regional Consultative Platforms shall have the right to prepare motions on policies connected with developments in the region and/or its student movement, shall provide liaison between the region and the IUS as a whole, and shall assist in the implementation of decisions taken. The work of the RCPs between Congresses shall be coordinated by its representation elected at the RCP meetings at the Congress and composed of the Regional Secretary (who shall act as its chair-person and be a member of the IUS Executive Secretariat) and a number of organizations as determined in the by-law "on the IUS Regional Consultative and Thematic Platforms".
  3. The Thematic Platforms shall be created on a voluntary basis around certain themes and issues considered to be important fields of work by the subscribing member unions. Each member union shall be given the right of up to three voluntary choices at the IUS Congrese. Such issues as are reserved for the divisions of the IUS Executive Secretariat shall not be offered for voluntary choice as they are considered to be of major importance and priority for all IUS member unions. According to the level of interest and participation, the various thematic platforms shall be given certain rights defined in the by-law "on the IUS Regional Consultative and Thematic Platforms". The thematic platforms shall have the right to prepare motions on policies related to the theme and issue of the platform, shall provide liaison between the group of unions that have subscribed to the platform and the IUS as a whole, and shall assist in the implementation of decisions taken. Ad-hoc Thematic Platforms can be created in the interval between IUS Congresses and shall be registered with the IUS Executive Secretariat and the Constitutional Committee. The work of the TPs between Congresses shall be coordinated by the representation (or contact group) elected at the TP meetings at the Congress, and composed of the chair-organization of the TP and a number of organizations as determined in the by-law "on the IUS Regional Consultative and Thematic Platforms".
  4. All decisions in the Regional Consultative Platforms and Thematic Platforms shall be taken by a majority of 50 per cent +1 of votes cast, by the present registered members of the respective platforms.
  5. Regional Consultative and Thematic Platforms, as far as their budgetary allocation to these structures allows, shall have the right to employ as Executive Officers individuals with specialized knowledge and experiences, with the aim of carrying out specific tasks;
  6. IUS member unions which have presented a motion(s) on issues which are not accepted by the governing or executive bodies shall have the right to constitute Minority Platforms. These Minority Platforms shall be registered with the Steering Committee of the IUS Congress, or during the period between IUS Congresses with the IUS Executive Secretariat and the Constitutional Committee. The Minority Platforms shall be given the right to register their opinions in the minutes of meetings, as annexes to adopted documents, and to circulate their ideas through IUS publications.


  1. The IUS Conqress shall create Specialized Structures with the aim of following issues and providing services in specialized fields. The Specialized Structures shall function on the basis of their own statutes, which shall be adopted by the IUS Congress. These Specialized Structures shall be accountable to the IUS Congress and Council to which they shall present a report.
  2. The Specialized Structures shall be managed by Executive Officers. These Executive Officers shall be appointed in accordance with the by-law "on election rules and procedures".
  3. The IUS Executive Secretariat shall supervise the work of the Specialized Structures. By decision of the IUS Congress or IUS Council, the offices of the specialized bodies shall be located in the IUS headquarters or any of the IUS representative offices.
  4. The Specialized Structure representing Secondary-School Students (SESS) and their unions shall have full functional and organizational autonomy from the IUS, which shall be determined in its own Constitution. This Constitution shall be fully drawn up and adopted solely by National School-Student Unions (NSSUs) or NUSes containing SESS as members.


  1. The financial resources of the IUS shall be derived from:
    • membership fees and dues paid by member organizations according to the scales agreed upon;
    • dues and other donations given by other organizations as long as they are not in conflict with IUS principles;
    • sales of IUS materials and publications
    • sales of the International Student Identity Card (lSlC);
    • student or other financial activities carried out by the IUS and on its behalf by the member organizations;
    • the proceeds from the International Student Foundation Limited.
  2. The draft budget shall be compiled by the Executive Secretariat for the approval of the Council and IUS Congress. The by-law "on the IUS budget and the IUS Auditing Committee" shall outline the relevant process to be followed.
  3. After approval of the budget, the IUS Council may introduce changes in the subscriptions to be paid by member organizations, in consideration of changes taking place within them.
  4. Amendments to this budget may be introduced by a vote at any Council meeting.
  5. The Council shall appoint the official auditors of the IUS.
  6. The Congress shall decide upon the utilization of the funds and property of the IUS, should this organization at any time be dissolved.


All standing orders and by-laws to be appended to this Constitution shall be adopted by the IUS Congress by a 2/9 majority of those present and voting.


The Constitution shall be amended at any IUS Congress by a majority of 2/3 of the total number of full and associate members of the IUS. Amendments to the Constitution may also be made by a referendum among full and associate members of the IUS and shall require the same majority. The by-law on "referendums" shall further detail this.

This Constitution shall be translated into the languages of all the countries having student organizations affiliated to the IUS. For purposes of interpretation, the official texts in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish shall be authoritative.

NOTE: The above Constitution was duly ratified by an overwhelming majority of delegates at the World Student Congress on Tuesday, August 27, 1946.
From that date, it became operative. The Constitution was amended at the 3rd World Student Congress in 1953, the 4th World Student Congress in 1956, the 6th Congress of the IUS in 1960, the lOth Congress of the IUS in 1971, the 15th Congress of the IUS in 1987, and the IUS Extraordinary Congress in 1991.


For the purpose and interpretation of this Constitution:

  1. "Students" are regarded as those people pursuing undergraduate or postgraduate studies. Tertiary or University Students (TUS) pursuing higher educational courses at universities, educational institutions, training and technical colleges may obtain through their unions full, associate, or consultative membership status of the IUS. This shall also apply in the case of unions with mixed TUS and Secondary-School Student (SESS) membership. Unions with pure SESS membership may obtain only consultative status of the IUS.
  2. The definition of "country and/or territory" shall be regarded as those which are included in the relevant list of countries/territories elaborated by the United Nations. Addenda or amendments to this list can be made by a 2/3 majority of votes cast at IUS Congresses or Council meetings.



Election Procedures

  1. Elections for all posts within the IUS shall be conducted by secret ballot. Valid ballot papers shall be only those issued by the Steering Committee. Such ballot papers bearing any marks that undermine the secrecy of the voting procedure shall be regarded as invalid. The ballot papers completed by the delegates shall bear a "+" or 'x' against the name of the person(s) chosen (up to as many as indicated in Articles 2 or 3 or no mark (absention).
  2. The procedure used to conduct the election for a single post shall require the successful candidate to obtain 50 per cent + 1 of the total valid poll in the first round of voting.
    If no candidate obtains the necessary number of votes in the first round, a second round of voting shall take place in the same manner, with those candidates wishing to continue. If there is still no clear result, a third round of voting shall be arranged, and the candidates who have obtained the highest and second highest number of votes will go through to this third round.
    The successful candidate shall be decided on the basis of this third and last round of voting. The candidate who achieves the highest number of votes shall be deemed elected. 
  3. In the election of a body with x-number of posts, full or associate member unions shall exercise their right to vote for up to x-number of candidates in each round of voting. Successful candidates shall be those who obtain 50 per cent + 1 of the total valid poll in the first round of voting, and are among the x-number of candidates which receive the highest number of actual votes cast.
    Should no candidate or number of candidates obtain the necessary number of votes in the first round, a second round shall take place in the same manner, with those candidates wishing to continue. If there is still no clear result, a third round of voting shall be arranged. Those candidates obtaining the highest number of votes, for the respective remaining positions, in this third round shall be deemed elected. 
  4. The entire election procedure shall be governed by the Elections Officer(s) who shall be the final arbiter of procedure, complaints and disputes. This person(s) shall be appointed by the Steering Committee, and in no case shall come from an organisation that has a direct relationship to the candidate(s). 
  5. Should complaints and disputes regarding an election not be solved by the Election Officer(s) , or should there be an accusation of electoral fraud, the matter shall be brought before the Steering Committee, which shall decide on the annulment of results of the election, and/or a rerun of the election, and/or the reopening of candidature, and/or the exclusion from candidature of organisations responsible for electoral fraud. 
  6. In the event of equal votes being cast in a particular election (where this significantly affects the election result), a second ballot between the candidates with equal votes shall be arranged. In the event of equal votes resulting from a second ballot, the final decision shall be taken by drawing lots. 
  7. In each election, the electoral body shall be given the choice of voting for a variety of candidates and the opportunity to abstain. In the event that absention votes surpass 50 per cent + 1 of the total valid poll in a particular election round, this round shall be repeated. If this second vote brings the same results, nomination for candidatures shall be reopened.
  8. All elections to executive and advisory bodies shall be held during the IUS Congress by the appropriate electoral bodies. In the event of positions falling vacant between Congresses, the election powers of the IUS Congress shall be transmitted to the IUS Council.

The Steering Committee

  1. Candidatures for election to the Steering Committee shall be submitted to the outgoing Constitutional Committee by the deadline of 21:00 hours on the day prior to the announced official opening of the IUS Congress. Candidates shall be nominated in a personal capacity by the full and associate member unions; their national mandate shall not be recognised in the course of fulfilment of their duties. The outgoing Constitutional Committee (which in this case shall assume the rights of appointing the Elections Officer as determined in Article 4) shall recommend the number of delegates per region which shall compose the Steering Committee (in accordance with the anticipated tasks and objective necessities for the smooth running of the Congress). The election of the members of the Steering Committee shall be carried out by regions (in accordance with Article 3 of this by-law), by the full and associate member unions at the first session of the IUS Congress.

The IUS Executive Secretariat

  1. Elections for posts on the IUS Executive Secretariat shall be carried out individually for each post in the IUS Executive Secretariat, in accordance with Article 2. The electoral body for the posts of President, Secretary General, treasurer, and of the five Secretaries of Divisions, shall be the plenary session of the IUS Congress. The electoral body for the posts of the Regional Secretaries shall be the plenary session of the respective Regional Consultative Platform. Candidature for election to each of the positions as Secretary of a Division of the Executive Secretariat shall be open only to candidates from a particular region on the basis of a decision of the outgoing Constitutional Committee, which shall be announced at the time of opening the Candidature. 
  2. The outgoing Constitutional Committee shall announce the opening of the candidature period, at least three months prior to the IUS Congress, by sending a letter of information to IUS member unions. Candidatures for each post in the IUS Executive Secretariat shall be submitted at least one month prior to the IUS Congress, to the outgoing Constitutional Committee (through the IUS Executive Secretariat). Candidatures shall include a personal profile of the candidates (experience and role in the student movement, languages, organisational skills, experiences in the post to which she/he is seeking election, date of birth, undergraduate student or postgraduate student/date of graduation, etc.). Candidates shall be, at the time of their election, undergraduate or postgraduate students. Graduate activists of student organisations may also be proposed as candidates if at the time of their election they are either less than 32 years old or have graduated less than five years previously. Candidates for the post of Secretary of the Division on Women' s Equality and Rights must be female. The outgoing Constitutional Committee, not later than three weeks prior to the IUS Congress, shall circulate information to all IUS member unions on the candidatures for positions on the IUS Executive Secretariat which it received before the expiry of the appropriate deadline. 
  3. During the course of fulfilment of the mandate of elected members of the Executive Secretariat, changes in the persons representing the elected organisations can take place, provided that prior notification has been given to the Constitutional Committee, and its agreement obtained, after checking that the credentials of the replacement candidates are in conformity with the desired profile as determined in Article 11 of this by-law. In the case of a change of person representing an elected organisation in the post of the President, Secretary General or Treasurer, notice shall be given to the CC at least two months in advance of the holding of a Council meeting. The profile of the replacement shall be circulated by the CC in an information letter at least one-and-a-half months in advance of the Council meeting, announcing the possibility of new candidatures for this position from other organisations. These candidatures must be received at least one month before the holding of a Council meeting. The CC shall send final information letters on the issue at least three weeks prior to the Council meeting. The procedure to be followed in the Council session shall be to examine, firstly whether the proposed replacement for the elected candidate. receives a vote of confidence. In the event that the proposed replacement fails to secure a vote of confidence, a new election for the post shall be organised with candidature open to the organisation of which the proposed replacement is a member and to other candidatures submitted by other organisations. 
  4. In the event that any of the elected organisations (and/or their representatives), engage in acts considered in breach of the IUS Constitution and IUS Congress or Council decisions and thus harm the organisation, dismissal procedures may be implemented. To commence dismissal procedure, a request by one third of the full or associate member unions shall be submitted to the CC at least two months before the holding of a Council Session. The CC shall then send information letters on the issue, at least one-and-a-half months prior to the Council Session where candidature is to be opened. These candidatures should be received at least one month prior to the Council Session. The CC shall send a final information letter on the issue at least three weeks prior to the Council Session. At the Council Session, a vote shall be taken on the dismissal, which shall require a 2/3 majority of votes cast. In the event of the vote for dismissal being carried, a new election shall be organised for the post, from among the candidates submitted. 
  5. No member union of the IUS shall hold office in the Executive Secretariat for more than two consecutive terms of office. In addition, at least 1/3 of the composition of the Executive Secretariat should be changed at each Congress; the CC shall determine the procedure to be followed or to ensure this is the case.

The Constitutional Committee and Auditing Committee

  1. The elections for each post in the CC and the AC shall be carried out individually in accordance with Article 2 of this by-law. The electoral body for the five posts in the CC and the AC (filled regionally) shall be the plenary session of the respective Regional Consultative Platform. 
  2. The outgoing CC shall announce the opening of the candidature period for the CC and the AC by means of a letter of information to be sent to IUS member unions at least three months prior to the IUS Congress. Candidatures for the CC and the AC shall be sent to the outgoing CC at least one month prior to the holding of the IUS Congress.

The Regional Consultative Platforms and Thematic Platforms

  1. The candidature and election procedures for the positions as Regional Secretary are determined in the chapter of this by-law dealing with "the IUS Executive Secretariat". Candidatures for the positions in the representation of the Regional Consultative Platforms shall be submitted to the Steering Committee by the deadline of 21:00 hours on the day prior to the meeting of the respective RCP. The elections for the representation of the RCP shall be carried out individually for each post in accordance with Article 2 of this by-law and as determined in the by-law on "Regional Consultative and Thematic Platforms" (Article 3). The electoral body for these posts shall be the plenary session of the respective Regional Consultative Platform. 
  2. The candidatures in the representation ( or the contact group ) of the Thematic Platforms shall be submitted to the Steering Committee by the deadline of 21:00 hours on the day prior to the meeting of the respective TP. The elections for posts in the representation of the TP shall be carried out individually for each post in accordance with Article 2 of this by-law. The electoral body for these posts shall be the plenary session of the respective Thematic Platform. 
  3. Any organisation occupying a post on the Executive Secretariat, CC or AC cannot also occupy a position on a RCP or TP with the exception of the Regional Secretaries . No organisation may be elected to more than two posts within the whole of the RCPs and TPs.


  1. As the Council is composed of the IUS Executive Secretariat, the Constitutional Committee, the representations of the RCPs and the representations, or chair-organisations of representations or contact groups ( as detailed in the by-law "on the IUS Regional Consultative and Thematic Platforms" ) of the TPs, the candidature and election procedure for the Council shall be as outlined above.

Specialised Structures and Executive Officers

  1. The candidature of individuals for positions as Executive Officers of Specialised Structures (and other positions as Executive Officers in the Divisions of the Executive Secretariat) shall be addressed to the IUS Executive Secretariat (which supervises these bodies). The IUS Executive Secretariat shall open the candidatures to these posts by sending an information letter outlining conditions and requirements to IUS member and friendly unions at least three months in advance of the date chosen for elections of these Executive Officers. Decisions on these candidatures shall be taken by the IUS Executive Secretariat which, in making its decision, should seek the opinion of the NUS from the country of origin of the Executive Officer. 
  2. Candidatures for posts as Executive Officers of the Regional Consultative or Thematic Platforms shall be addressed to the chair-organisations of the RCPs and TPs (and should follow a similar procedure to that outlined in Article 21 of this by-law).

The Rights of NSRs to Vote and to Be Elected

  1. The various individual unions within a NSR shall exercise their voting rights by dividing the single vote granted to the NSR of the country into parts. 
  2. The right of NSRs to be elected to posts within the IUS shall be regulated as follows: by allowing each individual union within a NSR the right to submit an individual candidature. In case of positions in the Executive Secretariat, the CC and the AC, only one of the NSR's unions from the same country shall be elected (if more than one union from that NSR contest the election). In the event that an individual union of an NSR contests and wins the election it shall have the right to the fraction of the vote it represents as determined above.

Temporary Provision

  1. As a temporary provision, and in order to facilitate the reforms, changes and broadening of the IUS, candidature for posts on the IUS Executive Secretariat, CC and AC shall be opened to newly-applying member unions. Their intention to stand candidates shall be submitted in accordance with Articles 11 and 16, and shall be validated immediately after the acceptance of their membership application. This temporary provision shall be valid for the 16th and 17th IUS Congresses.


Membership Affiliation

  1. Membership of the IUS shall be based on the criteria and categorisation elaborated in the IUS Constitution. 
  2. An organisation seeking membership of the IUS shall apply to the Constitutional Committee (through the IUS Executive Secretariat). The organisation shall submit the following with the application:
      • a resolution of its decision-making body requesting membership of the IUS, and mention of the category of the membership sought;
      • a copy of its Constitution, and information on whether membership of the union is obligatory or voluntary for students;
      • copies of the documents from the most recent constitutional event of the organisation;
      • a description of its structure and its decision-making procedures;
      • information on its electoral procedures and details of the most recent election results;
      • information on its sources of income and finances in general, accompanied if possible by a copy of its most recent audited accounts;
      • details of its views on human rights, academic freedom and student rights in its country and its actions in defence of them;
      • data on the student population in the country (and nationals of that country studying abroad), the number of TUS (Tertiary and University Students) and/or SESS (Secondary School Students) who are members of the organisation; the possible reasons why some students might not be members of it;
      • its views on the role of other student organisations in the country, which are not its members and its relation towards them;
      • other data relevant to the specific category of membership for which the organisation is applying;
      • other information which the organisation considers relevant in supporting its application (e.g. affiliation to other unions, information on its activities, on its activities towards the education system in the country, etc.).
  3. A valid application should include all the above elements. Should any of these materials be missing, relevant explanations should be provided.
  4. In considering a particular application, the CC shall hear any presentation which the applying organisation wishes to make in support of its membership and may request further clarification from it, and/or from other organisations (member or non-member) from the same country. After analysing the information received, (in writing as detailed in Article 2 of this by-law or verbally as provided for in this Article), the CC shall take a decision based strictly on the membership criteria and categorisation set out in the IUS Constitution. If it is felt, in the course of collecting information, that the information being given is inaccurate or misleading, and that further clarifications are necessary, the CC may launch an investigation which may include an on-the-spot visit by a delegation from the CC.
  5. Applications for membership shall be discussed (as provided for in the IUS Constitution) at the following Council Sessions and IUS Congress. To this end the Constitutional Committee, adhering fully to the membership criteria and categorisation set out in the IUS Constitution, and giving full consideration to each application, shall present its recommendation in an "affiliation and membership review report". The various possible recommendations shall be:
    • to accept the organisation in the appropriate category of membership;
    • to defer the application, giving the applicant time to comply with the conditions for membership;
    • to reject the application as failing to meet the IUS membership conditions and criteria.
  6. A detailed explanation of the basis on which the decision was made shall be incorporated as part of the report.

Membership Review

  1. Membership reviews shall take place at the IUS Council Sessions and the IUS Congress, as provided for in the IUS Constitution.
  2. The Constitutional Committee shall review individual cases of IUS membership:
    • on its own initiative (or that of the IUS Executive Secretariat),
    • on the initiative of the organisation itself, submitting its reasons for believing that a membership review should be carried out,
    • on the request of ten per cent of the current full or associate member unions, specifying the reasons for such a request. 
  3. The CC shall organise a full membership review in preparation for each ordinary IUS Congress. This review shall be opened by a letter of the CC to all IUS member unions sent at least five months prior to the IUS Congress and requesting the submission of documents containing information on the basis of Article 2 of the present by-law.
  4. As soon as a decision has been taken to open a membership review, the Constitutional Committee shall request the organisation(s) under review to submit, within one month, documents as set out in Article 2. The procedures detailed in Article 3 shall be followed.
  5. The CC shall examine the case and shall include its recommendation in the "affiliation and membership review report". The various possible recommendations shall be:
    • to take note of a change in the name of a member organisation (as long as the change does not affect its status or category of membership);
    • to change the category of membership to another category of membership appropriate to the current situation of the organisation;
    • to suspend for a particular period certain constitutional rights of a union relating to its membership of the IUS;
    • to freeze for a particular period the membership in the IUS of an existing member union;
    • to terminate the membership in the IUS of a certain member union.
  6. A detailed explanation of the basis on which the decision was made shall be incorporated as part of the report. The Constitutional Committee shall take note and recommend exemption from this rules for a particular period in all cases where the reasons for changes in the IUS member union are due to outside institutional intervention and beyond its control.
  7. In formulating a recommendation "to suspend for a particular period certain constitutional rights of a union relating to its membership of the IUS", the CC shall consider the following criteria:
    • a member union has failed to fulfil the constitutional obligation to pay membership fees and other dues as required by a decision of the IUS Congress (in all such cases, the suspension shall last until this obligation has been fulfilled);
    • the member union has shown a constant, deliberate disinterest in communicating with and keeping contacts with the Executive Secretariat.
  8. The CC shall specify in its decision the period of suspension and the particular rights recommended for suspension (voting rights, the right to send a delegate to IUS Congresses and Council, the right to elect and be elected). 
  9. In formulating a recommendation "to freeze for a particular period the membership in the IUS of an existing member union", the CC shall consider the following criteria:
    • a union has on more than two occasions deliberately disregarded a decision by the Council or Congress "to suspend for a particular period certain constitutional rights of a union relating to its membership of the IUS";
    • a union has deliberately violated the IUS Constitution and/or deliberately acted against the interests of the IUS;
    • a union has lost its democratic character;
  10. The CC shall specify in its decision the period for which the particular union's membership is to be frozen. Freezing of membership shall mean the suspension of all rights of the union. 
  11. Unions whose membership has been suspended and/or frozen shall not be considered in any quorum count.
  12. In formulating a recommendation "to terminate the membership in the IUS of a certain member union", the CC shall consider the following criteria:
    • a union has ceased to exist;
    • a union has lost its student character;
    • a union has on more than two occasions deliberately disregarded a decision by the Council or Congress "to freeze for a particular period the membership in the IUS of an existing member union";
    • a union has deliberately participated in acts violating academic freedom, student rights and/or human rights in general.
  13. If such a recommendation is made to a Council Session, and is accepted with the required 2/3 majority of votes cast, it shall amount to the freezing the membership of this union till the next IUS Congress. The decision to terminate the activities in the IUS of a certain union shall require a 2/3 majority of votes cast in a ballot taken on the issue at the IUS Congress.
  14. All recommendations (or Council decisions) to suspend, freeze or terminate a union's membership of the IUS, and membership reviews in general, shall be presented for examination at the IUS Congress immediately after the election of the Steering Committee and the adoption of the agenda and timetable.
  15. When a recommendation (or Council decision) to suspend, freeze or terminate a union's membership of the IUS, the union in question shall have the right of appeal and to be present and speak at the IUS Congress when its case is under debate.


  1. The IUS Executive Secretariat, as defined in the IUS Constitution, shall execute and follow up the policies, decisions and projects adopted by the IUS Congress and Council. It shall co-ordinate the smooth running of IUS life with the CC and AC. It shall co-ordinate and supervise the IUS representative offices and Specialised Structures. It shall be entrusted with the running of the IUS headquarters, keeping the IUS archives and documents, and the administration of IUS finances and property.
  2. In this regard the decision-making powers of the Executive Secretariat shall be limited only to issues for which a prior policy has been adopted by the IUS Congress and/or Council.
  3. Without prejudice to the relevant clause that determines the IUS Executive Secretariat's power and responsibility, it shall be empowered to develop further policy on issues related to the divisions of: education; student rights and academic freedom; information; communications and publicity; contacts with international bodies and organisations; women's equality and rights; as well as those connected with the work of the Specialised Structures, on the basis of the general guidelines and spirit of the decisions taken by the IUS Congress and Council.
  4. The work of the IUS Secretariat shall be composed of the following tasks:
    1. To follow, and develop policy on, issues related to the work of its divisions as outlined in Article 3;
    2. To co-ordinate the implementation of decisions taken by the IUS Congress and Council in different fields of work, and particularly to follow the implementation of the IUS plan of work adopted by the IUS Council, in co-operation with the respective Regional Consultative and Thematic Platforms;
    3. To oversee the implementation of the IUS budget, administer IUS finances and property, supervise all IUS controlled economic bodies and those it participates in; collect membership fees and other dues; co-ordinate with and facilitate the Auditing Committee in the implementation of its tasks;
    4. Co-ordinate with and facilitate the Constitutional Committee in implementation of its tasks;
    5. To co-ordinate the smooth running of the IUS headquarters and representative offices, and the IUS executive officers and technical staff, and maintain the IUS archives and documents;
    6. To supervise the functioning of the IUS Specialised Structures;
    7. To assist and prepare the Council sessions and the coming IUS Congress;
    8. To sort through the daily correspondence to the IUS, to answer issues within its competence and refer others to the respective bodies and platforms (CC, AC, TPs, RCPs, Specialised Structures);
    9. To examine invitations to the IUS for attending different activities and in this regard to follow up and represent the organisation in those that fall within its competence and refer others to the respective bodies and platforms (CC, AC, TPs, RCPs, Specialised Structures);
  5. For all other issues on which a prior policy is absent the IUS Executive Secretariat on its own and/or at the request of member unions shall seek authorisation of the IUS Council for action. This shall be carried out in the following manner, depending on the urgency and/or importance of the issue and the financial possibilities:
    1. by holding consultations with the representation of RCPs, or the representation (or contact groups) of TPs only on the specific issues of relevance to their work and acting upon them after the achievement of a consensus ( in deciding whether the issue is of specific relevance to the RCPs or TPs, and not to the whole Council, the consensus of the Executive Secretariat shall be necessitated);
    2. by holding consultations with the member unions of the Council on a particular issue and acting upon them after the achievement of a consensus;
    3. by conducting referendums upon the request of 10 per cent of member unions among the member unions of the Council on different topics and issues where at the previous stage (5b) of consultations a consensus was not recorded; this shall amount to a Council decision, if the consent of 50 per cent + 1 of the Council members is achieved;
    4. by convening an emergency session or bringing the issue to the next regular session of the IUS Council. Such emergency meetings can be convened at the request of 1/3 of its members.
  6. All such decisions shall require endorsement at the following council meeting.
  7. The IUS Executive Secretariat shall adopt at one of its first meetings its own Internal Regulations (provided for in the IUS Constitution) which shall be based on the IUS Constitution, Standing Orders and by-laws and shall detail the methods of its functioning in accordance with the current situation, circumstances and budgetary possibilities at its disposal. These shall be submitted at the next Council meeting for ratification.
  8. If the IUS member union (or NSR) of the country that hosts the IUS Headquarters is not included in the composition of the Executive Secretariat, it shall have the right to have a representative sitting and taking part at its meetings in the capacity of observer.


  1. The IUS Constitutional Committee shall be empowered to deal with issues of constitutional interpretation, to examine and recommend new affiliations, to perform a membership review, and to prepare a report to the Council and Congress on the extent to which the decisions and actions of the various IUS bodies and platforms are in conformity with the rules and regulations. It shall examine the credentials of Executive Secretariat members, and shall act at the start of every IUS Congress as the body which will examine the credentials of the delegates and announce the attainment of a quorum.
  2. Constitutional interpretation being sought shall be provided by the Constitutional Committee. A ruling of the CC shall constitute the valid constitutional interpretation until the next Council Session or IUS Congress where it may be revised if such a motion is introduced.
  3. The IUS CC, on its own initiative or at the request of any body or platform of the IUS or any individual member union, shall decide on whether a particular decision or action is in conformity with the IUS rules and regulations. If the CC rules that a certain decision is not in conformity with the rules and regulations, the said decision or action shall be deferred until the next Council Session, where it may be revised if such a motion is introduced.
  4. The IUS CC shall study new affiliations and conduct a membership review in accordance with the by-law on "membership and its review".
  5. In the event of a change of the representative(s) of an elected member union in the IUS Executive Secretariat, the CC shall be contacted in advance to obtain its agreement on whether the credentials of the person(s) replacing their representative(s) are in conformity with the criteria and requirements outlined in the by-law on "election rules and procedures" (Article 11). Its decision shall be binding until the next Council Session, where it may be revised if a motion to that effect is introduced.
  6. At the beginning of the Congress, the outgoing CC shall act as the body examining the credentials of the delegates and announce the legality and attainment of a quorum at the Opening Session of the IUS Congress. In checking delegates' credentials at the IUS Congress (and Council Sessions) it shall examine whether delegates legally and truthfully possess the required credentials, especially whether or not the delegates conform with the principle of being full-time or postgraduate students or activists of student organisations who either graduated less than five years before the meeting or are less than 32 years of age. Persons who fail to meet these requirements shall not be registered.
    At IUS Congresses (and Council Sessions), in delegations consisting of more than one delegate a woman must compulsorily be included. In case this is not observed by an IUS member union this delegation shall not be registered. This does not exclude the fact that a one member delegation can be a woman too. In cases of financial difficulty the IUS could assist the respective organisation to encourage the participation of women, by contributing to the travel expenses.
    The ruling of the CC on such issues or any of its decisions or credentials may be challenged by a motion introduced to this effect at the appropriate meeting. Until a ruling is made, the right of the person(s) in question to act as a representative at the meeting shall be suspended.
  7. The CC shall deliver a report to the Council Session and Congress on its work.
  8. The CC shall meet at least once a year at the IUS headquarters. In the intervening period it shall take decisions through consultations fully involving all its members and initiated through the Chair-organisation of the CC, or by convening an extraordinary session of the CC.
  9. All communication to the CC shall be carried out through the IUS Executive Secretariat (IUS headquarters) and/or directly to the Chair-organisation of the CC. 


  1. The IUS draft budget, in accordance with the IUS Constitution, shall be drawn up by the IUS Executive Secretariat and the IUS Council and shall be submitted to the IUS Congress for adoption.
  2. The annual budget shall be drawn up for the fiscal period of January 1 - December 31 of the respective year.
  3. The budget adopted by the Congress shall include as many annual budgets as are necessary to cover the complete period up to December 31 of the year in which the next IUS Congress is to be held.
  4. After its adoption, amendments to the budget may be introduced only by a vote at Council Sessions.
  5. In setting out the income section of the budget, the following two distinct section shall be established:
    1. Direct Income
      • membership fees, dues and donations
      • contributions from/contracts with other organisations (UN, UNESCO, etc.),
      • incomes from IUS Specialised Bodies (ISRC, etc.)
      • sales of the ISIC (based on the joint IUS/ISTC agreement)
      • sales of publications and other materials
      • others
    2. Indirect Income (after deduction of taxes where applicable)
      • income from IUS-owned economic units (ISTB, etc.)
      • dividends from bonds in economic bodies in which the IUS participates (ISF Ltd, etc.)
      • others 
  6. As stipulated in the IUS Constitution, membership fees shall be determined on the basis of an agreement between the outgoing IUS Constitutional Committee and Executive Secretariat and each member union, prior to the holding of any Congress. In this regard the outgoing Executive Secretariat shall work out a recommendation on the scale of membership fees, based on the following criteria:
    • the number of members in the organisation;
    • the overall current situation of the organisation;
    • the report on the financial situation of the organisation and, if possible, its most recent audited financial report;
  7. This shall be sent by letter at least four months prior to the holding of the IUS Congress, whereupon each member union may react and negotiate the level of its membership fees with the outgoing Constitutional Committee in co-operation with the Executive Secretariat. The final agreement shall be presented together with the draft IUS budget to the IUS Council Session which prepares the IUS Congress itself. 
  8. In elaborating the expenditure section of the budget, the following three distinct sections shall be established:
    1. Expenditure related to IUS Constitutional Bodies
      • holding of IUS Congress
      • holding of IUS Council Sessions
      • holding of sessions of the Board of the IUS Council
      • holding of IUS CC sessions
      • holding of IUS AC sessions
      • contingency fund for expenditures related to the IUS constitutional bodies
      • others
    2. Organisational Expenditure
      • allocations in the budget related to the plan of work
      • solidarity campaigns and assistance to student organisations
      • expenses connected to the activities of the various Divisions of the IUS Executive Secretariat
      • press and publicity
      • allocations in the budget related to the activities of RCPs and TPs
      • allocations in the budget related to the activities of Specialised Structures
      • contributions to the budget of the Specialised Structure for SESS
      • contingency fund for organisational expenditure
      • others
    3. Administrative Expenditure
      • IUS headquarters (running, maintenance, office equipment, cars, energy, etc.)
      • Secretariat members (salaries, travel tickets, accommodation, social security, etc.)
      • Executive Officers (salaries, travel tickets, accommodation, social security, etc.)
      • staff (salaries, travel tickets, social security, etc.)
      • telecommunications and postage
      • running of IUS Representative Offices
      • administrative expenditures for running of IUS Specialised Structures
      • auditing IUS accounts
      • contingency fund for organisational expenditure
      • others
  9. At the end of each fiscal year, the annual outcome of the budget shall be incorporated in the annual balance sheet which shall be audited by the officially appointed Council auditor, not later than two months after the close of the fiscal year.
  10. The annual balance sheet shall include the description of the outcome of the annual budget, the description of IUS property, and shall present the current financial situation of the IUS. 
  11. At each Council Session/Congress the annual balance sheets for the year( s ) since the previous Council Session/Congress was held shall be presented.
  12. After the audited accounts from the period prior to the Congress have been examined and found to be in order at the Congress, the Executive Secretariat responsible for this activity shall be relieved of any responsibilities related to the IUS finances. The relevant documents relating to this area of economic activity shall be kept in the IUS headquarters until the holding of the next IUS Congress.
  13. The IUS Auditing Committee, as stipulated in the IUS Constitution, shall be empowered to oversee the implementation of the IUS budget and to oversee IUS finances and property; it shall co-operate with the official auditor appointed by the IUS Council in preparing the audited accounts of the IUS; and shall present reports to IUS Council Sessions and the IUS Congress on the IUS finances and property, and on its work.
  14. Based on its mandate, the Auditing Committee shall act independently examining IUS finances and property, ensuring that the budget has been correctly implemented and preventing any misappropriation of funds.
  15. The IUS Executive Secretariat shall facilitate the auditing Committee in carrying out its tasks.
  16. The AC shall meet at least once each year at the IUS headquarters.


  1. The aim of the IUS representative offices is to facilitate the creation of IUS representations in different parts of the world for the co-ordination of specific IUS activities. Such activities may include the co-ordination and follow-up of the work of the IUS Regional and Thematic Platforms, the IUS Specialised Structures and the IUS Executive Secretariat's Divisions. Representative offices shall also be created at the sites of intergovernmental bodies to which the IUS seeks to be represented.
  2. The financing of the IUS representative offices shall be determined in accordance with the IUS budget. Certain minimum conditions (communications facilities and expenses, office facilities and equipment, relevant personnel, etc.) shall be necessary for the smooth functioning of these representative offices. Should the IUS representative office be hosted by a member union or other student organisation, the IUS Executive Secretariat shall sign specific protocols of agreement with the relevant organisation, and these shall determine the details of the functioning of the representative office. Similar protocols detailing the establishment and functioning of all other IUS representative offices shall be elaborated by the IUS Executive Secretariat.


  1. The composition and functioning of the Regional Consultative Platforms and Thematic Platforms shall be as determined in the IUS Constitution. They shall function as advisory platforms with the aim of co-ordinating work on specific issues, increasing the flow of information and providing the IUS member unions with channels for direct involvement in IUS work.

Regional Consultative Platforms

  1. The following regional platforms shall be created:
    1. The AFRICAN CONSULTATIVE PLATFORM (AFCOP) - which shall involve organisations from all countries/territories and islands of the African continent.
    2. The ASIAN AND PACIFIC CONSULTATIVE PLATFORM (ASPACOP) - which shall involve organisations from all countries/territories and islands of the Asian continent, Oceania and the South Pacific.
    3. The CONSULTATIVE PLATFORM ON EUROPEAN, NORTH AMERICAN AND OTHER INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES (CENAC) - which shall involve organisations from all countries/territories and islands of the European continent and the OECD.
    4. The LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN CONSULTATIVE PLATFORM (LACC) - which shall involve organisations from all countries/territories and islands in Latin America and the Caribbean.
    5. The MIDDLE EAST AND ARAB CONSULTATIVE PLATFORM (MEAC) - which shall involve organisations from countries/territories and islands in the Middle East as well as other member countries of the Arab League.
  2. It shall be possible for organisations which belong to two Regional Consultative Platforms to equally exercise their right of participation in both. However, they may only stand for election to the relevant positions on the Executive Secretariat, the CC and the AC on the basis of their membership in one of the RCPs to which they belong.
  3. During the IUS Congress, each Regional Consultative Platform shall be composed of the organisations from the respective region. At its meetings, each Regional Consultative Platform shall discuss the preparation of motions on IUS policy in the region, on the region' s student movement and on other issues considered appropriate to its role as specified in the IUS Constitution. At the same time, each Regional Consultative Platform shall elect from among its members a Regional Secretary (who shall co-ordinate the work of the IUS in the respective region, chair the RCP, and represent the region on the ZUS Executive Secretariat), as well as the representation of the RCP (which shall be composed by as many organisations as necessary to represent the different sub-regions and geopolitical realities of the region, but limited to a maximum of one in every four countries represented in the region). The Regional Secretary and the representation of the RCP shall be members of the IUS Council.
  4. During the IUS Council Sessions, the RCPs shall hold meetings involving all the member unions from the respective region. Between sessions of the IUS Council, each RCP shall be co-ordinated by the Regional Secretary, and shall be represented by the latter and by its representation. These shall supervise the activities of the RCP (formulation of motions on policies, follow-up of decisions, providing a channel for liaison and contacts between the region and other bodies and platforms in the IUS, etc) on the basis of the budgetary allocation for each RCP.

Thematic Platforms

  1. Thematic Platforms shall be established by the member unions in voluntarily exercising their right to choose three issues on which they wish to work within the IUS. This right shall be exercised by filling in a questionnaire which shall be circulated to all member unions by the outgoing Constitutional Committee five months prior to the holding of the IUS Congress. The questionnaire, which should be returned within one month, shall include a variety of choices, but also provide the opportunity to raise other issues. On the basis of these completed questionnaires and after carrying out consultations (with the help of the IUS Executive Secretariat) to group together similar issues, the final list of choices shall be sent out at least three months prior to the IUS Congress. The results of this second questionnaire, which should be returned within one month, shall constitute the final recommendation to the IUS Congress on the issues to be covered by the IUS Thematic Platforms for the period up to the holding of the next IUS Congress . Depending on the level of support which these platforms receive, they shall be classified as follows:
    1. THEMATIC PLATFORM OF A STANDING CAMPAIGN - if this has received the support of 45 per cent or more of the IUS member unions;
    2. THEMATIC TASK FORCE - if this has received the support of 25 per cent or more, but less than 45 per cent of the IUS member unions;
    3. THEMATIC GROUP - if this has received the support of 10 per cent or more, but less than 25 per cent of the IUS member unions.
  2. At the IUS Congress, during its meetings, each Thematic Platform shall discuss the preparation of motions on the areas of IUS policy related to its theme and other issues considered appropriate to its role as set out in the IUS Constitution. At the same time, the Thematic Platforms shall elect their representation (or contact group) from among their members. For the THEMATIC PLATFORMS OF A STANDING CAMPAIGN, the representation shall be composed of five organisations, one elected from each region, one of which shall assume the role of chair-organisation; the members of the representation shall be members of the IUS Council. For the THEMATIC TASK FORCE, the representation shall be composed in a similar way as before; however, only the chair-organisation of the THEMATIC TASK FORCE shall be a member of the IUS Council. For the THEMATIC GRDUP a contact group shall be elected composed of a maximum of three organisations, one of which shall assume the role of chair-organisation; the chair-organisation of the THEMATIC GROUP shall be a member of the IUS Council.
  3. During Council Sessions, the TP shall hold meetings composed of participants from all of its registered member unions present. Between IUS Council Sessions, the TP shall be co-ordinated by its chair-organisation, and shall be represented by the latter and the remaining members of its representation (or contact group) . These shall supervise the activities of the TP on the basis of their respective budgetary allocation (which shall be affected by the respective classification). AD-HOC THEMATIC PLATFORMS created, as provided for in the IUS Constitution, in the interval between Congresses (and provided they represent at least 20 per cent of the IUS member unions) shall be granted the right to send observers to Council Sessions; these platforms shall be entitled to budgetary allocations if a motion is passed at a Council Session introducing an appropriate amendment to the IUS budget.

Policy Motions and Plans of Work

  1. The RCPs and TPs shall formulate as determined in the IUS Constitution, various motions connected with their respective fields of work. These motions shall become IUS policy if adopted by the IUS Congress and IUS Council when these bodies are in session. The right to initiate such motions is a prerogative of the member unions belonging to the respective RCP or TP. In the period between two sessions of the Congress or Council this right shall also be granted to the representations ( or contact groups ) of RCPs and TPs, and this process may be further facilitated by carrying out consultations with the members of the RCPs or TPs which are not included in the compositions of these representations.
  2. The draft plans of work of the RCPs and TPs shall be drawn up by the representations (or contact groups) of the RCPs and TPs, in the implementation of a policy adopted by the IUS Congress or Council. These draft plans of work shall be submitted for adoption at the following Council Session on the basis of the respective budgetary entry. The member unions belonging to the RCPs and TPs shall have the right to present proposals through the respective representations (or contact groups) of RCPs and TPs. In the interests of uniformity and for the purposes of comparison in Council Sessions, the different ideas on the plans of work shall be entered on the "IUS draft Plans of Work" form. These forms are to be composed and will be available from the IUS Executive Secretariat.


  1. Referendums shall be held on issues determined in the IUS Constitution (amendments to the IUS Constitution), or in the by-law "on the role of the IUS Executive Secretariat" (Article 5c).
  2. For referendums on amendments to the IUS Constitution:
    • a decision to call a referendum shall require a vote by the IUS Congress, Council or 1/3 of the full and associate members;
    • the initiator(s) of the referendum shall formulate the wording of the specific amendment(s) to the Constitution which is/are to be put to referendum.
  3. For referendums on the by-law "on the role of the IUS Executive Secretariat" (Article 5c):
    • a decision to call a referendum shall require the support of at least 10 per cent of the members of the IUS Council;
    • the initiator(s) of the referendum (with the help of the IUS Executive Secretariat) shall formulate the wording of the specific issue which is to be put to referendum.
  4. The referendum shall be conducted by the IUS Executive Secretariat in writing and through any other appropriate means of communication. The Constitutional Committee shall monitor the whole referendum process.

Standing Orders of the IUS Congress



  1. In accordance with the Constitution of the IUS, the quorum at the Congress shall consist of 2/3 of the total number of full and associate members of the IUS. If the Congress is inquorate at the time fixed for its opening, the opening shall be postponed for 24 hours. The Congress shall then be considered quorate if 50 per cent + 1 of the total number of full and associate member organisations of the IUS are present.
  2. On a request from five full and/or associate member unions, a point of order may be presented during any session requesting a quorum count at the session. In the event of the meeting being INQUORATE the Chairperson shall adjourn the session until it becomes quorate.

Bodies or Platforms of the Congress

  1. The Congress shall consist of plenary sessions, meetings of Regional Consultative Platforms and Thematic Platforms, meetings of Specialised Structures, other meetings (such as workshops, discussion forums, etc.), as well as a Drafting Committee and a Steering Committee. All meetings of the Congress shall be open to all interested delegates.
  2. With the exception of the opening plenary session of the Congress (unless this has been reconvened after initially being found inquorate, in which case the quorum for the plenary session shall be determined in accordance with Article 1 above), all other bodies of the Congress shall be quorate if 50 per cent + 1 of the registered delegate member unions are present.

Checking of Credentials and the Legality of the Congress

  1. The outgoing Constitutional Committee shall, prior to the opening of the Congress, check the credentials of the delegates on the basis of the by-law "on the IUS Constitutional Committee" (Article 6) and shall deliver a report to the opening plenary session on the legality of the Congress and the attainment of a quorum.
  2. The outgoing Executive Secretariat, with the help of the outgoing Constitutional Committee, will be responsible for the registration of the participants. The Congress shall be initiated by the outgoing Executive Secretariat, at which point the outgoing Constitutional Committee shall deliver its report on the legality of the Congress and the attainment of a quorum. The outgoing Executive Secretariat shall preside over the session until the election of a Steering Committee as set out in the by-law "on election rules and procedures".

Steering Committee

  1. At the beginning of the Congress, a Steering Committee shall be elected from candidates nominated in a personal capacity by the full and associate members of the IUS on the basis of the by-law "on election rules and procedures"; it shall be responsible for the conduct of the Congress and all related questions shall be referred to it.


  1. Every plenary session of the Congress will have a chair-person nominated by the Steering Committee. 
  2. In meetings of the Regional and Thematic Platforms, Specialised Structures, discussion forums and the Drafting Committee, the chair-persons shall be persons with special knowledge of the work involved, and shall be nominated by the Steering Committee.
  3. The Steering Committee meetings shall be chaired by persons appointed from among its members.
  4. The Chair-person of the session shall NOT exercise a vote at the session over which she/he presides and shall not participate in any substantive debate.
  5. The Chair-person shall have the responsibility of ensuring that the debate is conducted in an orderly fashion and that speakers are not interrupted, except as provided for in these Standing Orders. The Chairperson shall enforce any time-limits and other requirements recommended by the Steering Committee and approved by the Congress or contained in the IUS Constitution, Standing Orders, or by-laws.

Agenda and Timetable of the Congress

  1. The draft agenda and draft timetable for the Congress shall be submitted by the outgoing Executive Secretariat and Council for approval at the first plenary session of the Congress. The Steering Committee shall be responsible for keeping to the times adopted, and may, if necessary, work out alternative proposals for any changes it deems necessary to the timetable.

Observers and Guests

  1. Observers or guests are invited to the IUS Congress at the discretion of the outgoing Executive Secretariat (as determined by the IUS Constitution). IUS member unions shall have the right to present a motion to the plenary session requesting cancellation of the invitation to a particular observer or guest, and specifying the relevant reasons.

Speaking and Voting Rights of Participants

  1. Delegates from full and associate member organisations shall have full speaking and voting rights in plenary sessions and meetings of all other bodies or platforms of the Congress (as determined in the IUS Constitution). Member organisations with consultative status shall have speaking rights and the right to present motions in plenary sessions and meetings of all other bodies of the Congress, if seconded by one full or associate member organisation.
  2. Observers
    1. from national, regional or international student organisations which are not members of the IUS shall have speaking rights and the right to present motions in plenary sessions and in meetings of all other bodies or platforms of the Congress if a full or associate member organisation sponsors this suggestion and submits it as a motion; such a motion must be seconded by two full or associate member organisations.
    2. from other regional or international organisations and specialised organisations shall have speaking rights in plenary sessions and meetings of all other bodies or platforms of the Congress. The same rights shall apply to local unions if the respective national organisation does not object.
  3. Visitors or Guests may address the Congress on presenting their request to the Chair-person. 

Conduct of the Debate

  1. All motions shall be submitted to the Chair-person in writing. If submitted verbally during a session, they should be handed over to the Chair-person in writing as soon as possible.
  2. No motion can be accepted for discussion unless it is seconded by another delegation.
  3. Only one motion at a time shall be discussed on one subject. The Steering Committee, with the agreement of the proposers, shall composite similar proposals for joint consideration. The amendments will be discussed simultaneously, but the first to be presented will be voted on first. If amendments to the amendment in question are presented, they will be discussed simultaneously and these amendments to the amendment in question will be put to the vote in the order in which they were presented, and before the discussion of the original amendment.
  4. After a motion has been seconded, the mover shall introduce the motion to the Congress. The Chair-person will then open a speakers' list for the discussion. Amendments may be put forward during the discussion. Each delegation may speak as many times as it wishes when invited to do so by the Chair-person, unless the Congress is opposed. The mover of the motion has the right to reply at the close of the debate upon his/her motion. The above procedure is also valid for amendments.
  5. In accordance with the IUS Constitution, the Congress is composed of delegates from all IUS member unions. Member unions in the full or associate membership categories from one country shall have one vote.
  6. Taking into account the diversity of opinions and experiences of the participants, as well as the differences in their methods and approaches, all efforts should be exerted, while taking decisions, to establish joint platforms on the basis of mutually acceptable agreements. Consensus (which is understood as meaning the absence of an active objection) will be thus the desired method utilised in taking decisions. Whenever this is not possible, the voting procedure as set out in the Constitution and these standing orders will follow. In all cases, opportunities should be given to record specific differing opinions or to register minority platforms, as provided for in the IUS Constitution.
  7. Voting on all questions at the Congress shall be performed by a show of voting cards, unless one third of the full and associate member unions present a request for a secret ballot. Each delegation has the right to have its position, opposition or abstention recorded; to this end, a special voting record will be prepared and published together with the Congress documents. If the result of a vote is disputed immediately after the vote, a recount may take place before any other business is dealt with.
  8. The Steering Committee shall appoint officer(s) [or elections officer(s)] to conduct voting on the various resolutions (elections). The order recommended by the Steering Committee for the adoption of various resolutions shall be followed. Any member union may request that Congress make a change in the proposed order.
  9. If equal numbers of votes are cast on a motion, the Chair-person shall adjourn the meeting and, upon its resumption, a new vote shall be taken without any further discussion. Should a tie still result, no further decision shall be taken on the motion.
  10. At the discretion of the Chair-person, time limits shall be established for interventions by participants, taking into account the timetable and the overall number of speakers.

Procedural Motions

  1. The discussion may be interrupted if one of the following procedural motions is taken, after the proposal for such a procedural motion has been seconded and voted for. Procedural motions cannot be proposed during a point of order, during the act of voting, or during a speech. The proposer of a procedural motion shall speak on the motion for ONE minute. Another speaker opposing the procedural motion shall speak on the motion for ONE minute. The proposer of a substantive motion, or the Chairperson in the cases of procedural motions (a) and (b), shall also have the right to speak. Then the motion shall be put to the vote. Only one procedural motion shall be discussed at any one time; amendments cannot be made to procedural motions. The motions will be considered in the following order of importance:
    1. Motion of no confidence in the Chair-person (when such a procedural motion is put, the chair shall be assumed by another chair-person indicated by the Steering Committee, until the matter is determined; if such a motion is carried, the person to whom it relates shall not take the chair for the remainder of the session);
    2. Motion of challenge to a ruling by the Chair-person;
    3. Motion to suspend Standing Orders/or parts thereof;
    4. Motion for the session to be adjourned for a certain period of time;
    5. Motion for the question to be considered by some other committee or body of the Congress;
    6. Motion for the discussion of the matter at hand to be postponed until a specific time;
    7. Motion proposing an immediate vote on the motion presently under discussion;
    8. Motion proposing that discussion of a specific proposed motion be abandoned without a decision being taken;
    9. Motion for the debate to be closed after hearing all speakers on the list drawn up after the presentation of the motion;
    10. Motion for the time limit fixed by the Chair-person to be changed, or for a time extension to be given to a particular speaker;
    11. Motion to change the order of resolutions under discussion;
    12. Motion to suspend an invitation to a particular guest or observer;

Procedural Points

  1. The Chair-person shall recognise those requesting the floor in the following order of precedence:
    1. point of order;
    2. point of personal privilege;
    3. point of information. 
  2. A point of order must be heard immediately at all times, except when a vote is being taken. A point of order should deal with a transgression of the Constitution and/or Standing Orders and/or by-laws, and shall relate only to the procedures adopted or to the conduct of the meeting. The floor shall be given for points of order for ONE minute.
  3. A point of personal privilege may be requested only if a specific discrediting reference is made to a person, and then only by the person referred to. The floor shall be given for points of personal privilege for TWO minutes.
  4. A point of information is a question or a brief statement (not exceeding ONE MINUTE) of a fact which is relevant to the matter under discussion, and of which the meeting is unaware.


  1. These Standing Orders will also be valid for Council Sessions, where the role of the Steering Committee shall be taken over by the Constitutional Committee.

Adoption of Standing Orders

  1. The Standing Orders shall be adopted at the first plenary session and may be subsequently amended only by a 2/3 majority of votes cast.

Suspension of Standing Orders

  1. Business which is not on the agenda, or procedures which are not included in these Standing Orders can only be introduced by a suspension of these Standing Orders, or of a specific part thereof. The Standing Orders may be suspended upon a motion to that effect being passed by a 2/3 majority of votes cast. Such motions shall require a seconder. The proposer shall state for ONE MINUTE the reasons for seeking to suspend the Standing Orders and the maximum period for which they are to be suspended. One speaker who is against the suspension may also speak for ONE MINUTE.
    Such a motion may not be proposed when a member is speaking on a point of order or during the act of voting.
    Only that business for which the Standing Orders have been suspended may be discussed during the suspension.

Statutes of the International Student Research Centre


Article 1: NAME, OFFICE

  • These statutes refer to the specialised student research structure to be called THE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT RESEARCH CENTRE (hereafter referred to as the ISRC).
  • The ISRC's office shall be located at the IUS Headquarters, or at any other IUS representative office as decided by the IUS Congress.

Article 2: CHARACTER

  • The ISRC, which is founded according to a decision by the International Union of Students, shall function as a specialised structure of the Union;
  • The ISRC shall not formulate policies, but shall provide services in the fields of scientific research, collection of data, documentation and maintenance of the archives, information exchanges and the establishment of related contacts with student, academic and scientific structures to which it shall offer its services.


The aims of the ISRC, to be pursued through the services it offers, shall be:

  • The undertaking of research work, studies and surveys on educational policies and programmes, students' rights and interests, university and science-related issues, and other questions affecting the life of students and university communities in different countries and regions;
  • The gathering of information and the elaboration of comparative studies on problems of socio-economic development having a direct bearing on students, both during their periods of study and after their graduation;
  • The maintenance of the archives of the IUS Executive Secretariat and the keeping of documentation on the international student movement, with the aim of setting up a resource centre and having access to data on educational issues;
  • The exchange of information and strengthening of contacts with research centres, scientific institutes, specialised governmental or inter-governmental bodies, university and academic communities, student structures, individual researchers and experts, and regional and international non-governmental organisations involved in the same field of activity as that of the ISRC, with a view to establishing a rich data bank;
  • The organising of surveys of the world student movement as regards its structure, organisation, financing, priorities, programmes of activities, and co-operation with other organisations, on national, regional and international levels;
  • The carrying out of research projects, independently of or together with individual contractors, on topical issues and phenomena relevant to the student, university and academic communities;
    The above activities will be carried out in close consultation and co-operation with the NUSes, or other structures which request the services of the ISRC, and their input should be sought.


  1. The ISRC shall be administered by the Researchers' Council comprised of:
    1. A Director, who shall also be a research worker and shall be appointed on a contractual basis; he/she shall be responsible for the co-ordination and running of the affairs of the ISRC;
    2. Full-time researchers who shall be employed on a contractual basis;
  2. Part-time researchers may also be employed on a contractual basis.


The ISRC shall co-operate with:

  • local, faculty and university organisations; national, regional and international student structures; academic bodies; research institutes and non-governmental organisations; specialised student research bodies;
  • national, regional and international scientific and research centres;
  • national governmental, regional and international inter-governmental organisations;
  • individual researchers.


The Researchers' Council of the ISRC shall:

  1. elaborate the ISRC's Annual Work Plans, the topics of which shall be determined following the requests put forward by those NUSes or other structures seeking ISRC's services;
    • supervise data collection, documentation and archiving;
    • decide on the participation of the ISRC in events and research visits;
    • discuss the reports and recommendations derived from the official missions of the ISRC;
    • decide on the organisation or co-organisation of events, consultative meetings and seminars;
    • receive and approve reports on the projects of the research officer.
  2. The Director of the ISRC shall present a report on the work and activities of the ISRC to the Executive Secretariat of the IUS.

Article 7: FINANCING

The ISRC's activities shall be carried out in accordance with its annual budget, and shall be financed by contributions from the IUS and from structures which make use of its services, as well as by income deriving from its own publications and activities.


The Executive Secretariat shall supervise, evaluate and determine the priorities for the work of the ISRC. The ISRC shall present reports on its work to all IUS Council Sessions and Congresses.

The Executive Secretariat shall appoint the ISRC Director who shall contract, in consultation with the Executive Secretariat, the researchers of the ISRC.

Statutes of the International Student Travel Bureau


Article 1: NAME, OFFICE

  • These Statutes refer to the specialised student structure to be called the INTERNATIONAL STUDENT TRAVEL BUREAU (hereafter referred to as the ISTB).
  • The ISTB' s central office shall be located at the IUS Headquarters, or at any other IUS Representative Office as decided by the IUS Congress.
  • On the decision of the IUS Executive Secretariat branches of the ISTB shall be created in different parts of the world according to needs and requirements.

Article 2: CHARACTER

  • The ISTB, which is founded according to a decision by the International Union of Students, shall function as a specialised structure of the Union.
  • The ISTB shall not formulate policies, but shall work in the field of Student Tourism, travel and exchange, by offering its services to students and their structures.


The aims of the ISTB, to be pursued through the services it offers, shall be:

  • to provide services to students and their organisations in the field of student travel, tourism and exchange;
  • to assist national student organisations in establishing student centres or bureaus providing travel services;
  • to co-operate with established student travel bureaus;
  • to follow, in association with the IUS Secretariat, issues related to the INTERNATIONAL STUDENT IDENTITY CARD ( ISIC) , and to regulate any problems arising from the scheme.


  • The ISIC shall be administered by a Director, who shall be employed on a contractual basis.
  • The ISTB Director, in consultation with the IUS Executive Secretariat, shall employ staff to carry out the activities of the ISTB and/or co-ordinate the work of its branches.


The ISTB shall co-operate with:

  • individual students; local, faculty and university organisations; national, regional and international student structures;
  • specialised student travel bureaus;
  • other national, regional or international tourism and travel bodies and organisations;


The ISTB shall function, according to the means and resources at its disposal, in its central office, or in offices in countries where branches have been established.

Its activities, which are aimed at providing organisational help and assistance to student organisations in the field of tourism, exchanges and travel, shall be conducted by the ISTB Director and the ISTB staff in the form of non-profit making services, and shall be carried out under the name of the ISTB, a specialised structure of the IUS.

Its commercial activities shall be conducted in accordance with the regulations of the country in which it is based, and among other activities shall include the establishment of shareholding companies. Such shareholding companies may be established, owned and ran jointly with various student organisations. The ISTB Director and staff shall manage and operate this (these) company(ies) on behalf of the IUS.

Article 7: FINANCING

The activities of the ISTB shall be carried out according to the possibilities afforded by its annual budget, and shall be financed by contributions from the IUS and from structures making use of its services, as well as by income derived from its own activities, or from the dividends of bonds from the commercial companies run by the ISTB.


The work and activities of the ISTB shall be supervised by the IUS Executive Secretariat, which shall appoint its Director and staff. The ISTB shall present to all IUS Council sessions and Congresses a report on its work.

The commercial activities of ISTB shall be supervised by the IUS Executive Secretariat and audited by the IUS Auditing Committee.

Statutes of the International Student Exchange Scheme


Article 1: NAME, OFFICE

  1. These statutes refer to the specialised student structure to be called the INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGE SCHEME (hereafter referred to as the ISES).
  2. The ISES's office shall be located at the IUS Headquarters, or at any other IUS Representative Office as decided by the IUS Congress.

Article 2: CHARACTER

  1. The ISES, which is founded according to a decision by the International Union of Students, shall function as a specialised structure of the Union.
  2. The ISES shall not formulate policies, and shall operate within the field of student educational exchange and mobility, and provision of scholarships by offering its services to students and their structures.


The aims of the ISES, to be pursued through the services it offers, shall be:

  1. to operate and develop an information programme of student educational exchanges;
  2. to study and keep informed about problems relating to student exchange and mobility and work towards overcoming any barriers;
  3. to operate and run a scholarship scheme.


  1. The ISES shall be administered by a Director, who shall be employed on a contractual basis.


The ISES shell co-operate with

  1. individual students; local, faculty and university organisations; national, regional and international student structures; relevant NGOs;
  2. various educational institutions and other relevant intergovernmental bodies.


The ISES shall function in close contact and co-operation with student organisations and higher educational institutions. Its activities shall be carried out on the basis of an annual plan of work which shall aim to collect information and facilitate activities on:

  1. programmes and offers of student exchange;
  2. student mobility schemes and entry requirements for studying abroad;
  3. offers of scholarships.

Article 9: FINANCING

The activities of the ISES shall be carried out in accordance with its annual budget, and shall be financed by contributions from the IUS and from structures which make use of its services, and as well as by income deriving from its own activities.


The work and activities of the ISES shall be supervised by the IUS Executive Secretariat, which shall appoint the Director of the ISES.

The ISES shall present to all IUS Council Sessions and Congresses a report on its work.

Statutes of the International Student Centre for Cultural Activities


Article l: NAME, OFFICE

  1. These statutes refer to the specialised student structure to be called the INTERNATIONAL STUDENT CENTRE FOR CULTURAL ACTIVITIES (hereafter referred to as the ISCCA).
  2. The ISCCA' s office shall be located at the IUS Headquarters, or at any other IUS Representative Office as decided by the IUS Congress.

Article 2: CHARACTER

  1. The ISCCA, which is founded according to a decision by the International Union of Students, shall function as a specialised structure of the Union.
  2. The ISCCA shall not formulate policies, but shall operate in the field of student cultural expression and exchanges by offering its services to students and their structures.


The aims of the ISCCA, to be pursued through the services it offers shall be:

  1. to organise and co-organise student cultural events: festivals, concerts, exhibitions, competitions, etc.;
  2. to establish permanent links of co-operation among students and their organisations and Art Schools in the form of an International Student - Artists Exchange Scheme;
  3. to collect materials for the archives of the student cultural movement;
  4. to co-operate with NGOs and Intergovernmental organisations (UNESCO) working in a cultural capacity;
  5. to support (in different forms) student cultural activities;
  6. to organise various events in support of the protection of the world's cultural heritage;
  7. to provide students with a variety of cultural information, and to contribute to the IUS cultural magazine "Student Life" as well as to other cultural publications;
  8. to provide students actively participating in cultural life with professional services such as the printing of advertisements and other publicity materials; the production of tapes, videos, LP-s, CDs; technical services; the organisation of art workshops, etc.
  9. to initiate of research work in the field of culture, by organising seminars and discussions on sociological and other aspects of cultural development.


  1. The ISCCA shall be administered by a Director, who shall be employed on a contractual basis.


The ISCCA shall co-operate with:

  1. individual students; 1ocal, faculty and university organisations; national, regional and international student structures;
  2. art schools; students studying or interested in cultural and artistic expression; student cultural groups.


The ISCCA shall function on the basis of an annual plan of work formulated and implemented by its Director. This plan of work shall be formulated in such a way as to fulfil the stated aims of the ISCCA as set out in these Statutes. It shall base its work and activities on close co-operation with interested individual or groups of students and their organisations.

Article 7: FINANCING

The ISCCA activities shall be carried out in accordance with its annual budget, and shall be financed by contributions from the IUS and from structures which make use of its services by seeking sponsorship, as well as by income derived from its own activities.


The work and activities of the ISCCA shall be supervised by the IUS Executive Secretariat, which shall appoint the Director of the ISCCA. Should its budget and revenue permit, staff shall be employed to carry out its activities, in close co-operation with the ISCCA Director and the IUS Executive Secretariat.

The ISCCA shall present to all IUS Council Sessions and Congresses a report on its work.

Statutes of the International Student Physical Education and Sport Centre


Article 1: NAME, OFFICE

  • These statutes refer to the specialised student structured to be called the INTERNATIONAL STUDENT PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND SPORT CENTRE (hereafter referred to as the ISPESC).
  • The ISPESC ' s office shall be located at the IUS Headquarters, or at any other IUS Representative Office as decided by the IUS Congress.

Article 2: CHARACTER

  • The ISPESC, founded according to a decision by the International Union of Students, shall function as a specialised structure of the Union.
  • The ISPESC shall not formulate policies, but shall work in the field of student sports and physical education by offering its services to students and their structures.


The aims of the ISPESC, to be pursued through the services it offers, shall be:

  • to promote the world campaign for "Sport for All Students" by encouraging the mass development of student sport, active student involvement in sports activities and physical education on a national, regional and international level; access of all students to sports facilities; and the incorporation of physical education and sports as a part of the regular curriculum irrespective of their field of studies;
  • to contribute to the achievement of international understanding, mutual respect, friendship, co-operation and peace among students through various sports activities and student sports exchanges;
  • to plan and organise in various countries "student sports camps", open for participation to interested individual students;
  • to initiate sports and physical education activities in the places of study, through the development of the "University Sports Days";
  • to organise, co-organise and sponsor various student sports seminars, competitions and other actions, particularly in the framework of the celebration of November 17 - International Students Day;
  • to facilitate the participation of female students in sport activities;
  • to facilitate the participation in sports activities of handicapped or disabled students;
  • to co-operate with student and other sport organisations, participate in their activities, and contribute to the strengthening of the international student sports movement;
  • to undertake research work, surveys and other studies contributing to the promotion of student sport and physical education.


  • The ISPESC shall be administered by a Director, who shall be employed on a contractual basis.


The ISPESC shall co-operate with:

  • individual students; local, faculty and university organisations; national, regional and international student structures;
  • specialised sports and physical education faculties, as well as student sports organisations.


The ISPESC shall function on the basis of an annual plan of work formulated and implemented by its Director. This plan of work shall be formulated in such a way as to fulfil the stated aims of the ISPESC as set out in these Statutes.

Article 7: FINANCING

The activities of the ISPESC shall be carried out in accordance with its annual budget, and shall be financed by contributions from the IUS and from structures, which make use of its services by seeking sponsorship, as well as by income deriving from its own activities.


The work and activities of the ISPESC shall be supervised by the IUS Executive Secretariat, which shall appoint the Director of the ISPECC.

The ISPESC shall present to all IUS Council Sessions and Congresses a report on its work.

Constitution of the International Union of Secondary School Students (IUSESS)


ARTICLE 1: Name and head office

  1. The name of the organisation shall be the International Union of Secondary School Students - hereafter referred to as IUSESS.
  2. The head office of IUSESS shall be situated in the offices of the International Union of Students.

ARTICLE 2: Objectives

  1. To promote greater solidarity, co-operation and understanding between all the youth of the world, and particularly between school students and their respective national organisations.
  2. To achieve an end to all discrimination and injustice where they exist, particularly within the educational systems of the world.
  3. To promote and defend the rights and interests of school students and their organisations.
  4. To develop greater understanding between peoples, and to build a democratic and peaceful world which respects the basic human rights contained in the United Nations Charter.
  5. To actively take part and contribute to the social and economic development of the people of all countries, their region and the world at large.
  6. To advance the interests and promote the welfare of school students.
  7. To promote the fight to overcome the inequalities and discrimination of women and to promote non-sexist education in secondary schools.

ARTICLE 3: Functions

  1. To co-ordinate the work of the school student organisations internationally and to assist them in the formulation of programmes.
  2. To act as a representative body, for national school-student organisations vis-à-vis international, governmental and non-governmental institutions and bodies.
  3. To act as a stimulating body in promoting the development of national school student organisations in countries where representative bodies do not exist.

ARTICLE 4: Membership

  1. Member unions of the IUSESS shall be representative national organisations of school students
    1. which are controlled and run by students, and in which all members of all governing bodies are democratically elected by the members of the organisation;
    2. which, in their decision-making, function autonomously and independently of state authorities or other non-student forces;
    3. which are open to all secondary school students in or from the country concerned, regardless of their political conviction, religion, colour or race, sex, sexual orientation, economic circumstances, any disability they may have, their field or place of study, or their social standing;
    4. which accept the objectives of this Constitution as stated in article two.
  2. The member unions of the IUSESS shall be:
    1. Full members
    2. Associate members
  3. Full member status shall be granted by the Congress to those organisations that fulfil all the criteria included in subsection i) of this article.
  4. Associate member status may be granted by the Congress to organisations, unions or structures which in the opinion of the Congress do not meet the criteria as stated in subsection i) of this article or who out of their own accord do not wish to be full members. These organisations shall have no voting rights.
  5. The Congress shall have the right to freeze or suspend the membership of an organisation by a 2/3 majority of votes cast.

ARTICLE 5: Structure

  1. The IUSESS shall have three executive bodies: the Congress, the Board and the Secretariat.

ARTICLE 6: The Congress

  1. The Congress shall consist of all those member organisations present at a meeting duly convened as a Congress as specified herein. The Congress shall meet once every 4 (four) years, and when financially possible, every two years.
  2. The Congress shall decide upon the general policy of the IUSESS. It shall give guidelines to the Board as to the nature and execution of the IUSESS programme. It shall decide upon the affiliation of the IUSESS to any external body or structure. It shall elect the members of the Board, and discuss the report of the outgoing Board.
  3. In exercising its functions under the preceding sub-section, the Congress shall act in accordance with Articles 2 & 3 of this Constitution.
  4. The agenda for a meeting of the Congress shall be drafted by the Secretariat and circulated not later than 60 days before the Congress is scheduled to take place. The agenda circulated may be amended at the Congress in question.
  5. The Congress may only be convened by a decision of the Board, or at the request of 50% + 1 of the members, made at least 60 days in advance of such a Congress.
  6. For the purpose of voting at the Congress, organisations shall be grouped according to the country/territory in which they are organised. Each state shall be allotted an equal number of votes. These shall be divided equally among the participating organisations from that country/territory present at the meeting in question. The Secretary General shall report upon the exact distribution of votes at the beginning of each Congress. All decisions shall be made by 50%+1 of the total number of votes distributed. In the case of a decision in the first round not gaining 50% + 1, in the second round a decision shall be taken by simple majority.
  7. The Congress shall quorate if member unions from 50%+1 member countries are present. In case the quorum is not achieved the Congress shall reconvene within 24 hours and shall quorate if member unions from 1/3 member countries are present.
  8. If less than 50 % + 1 of the member unions have signed up fifteen (15) days prior to the commencement of the Congress, the Congress shall be cancelled. It shall be reconvened within two months where one third (1/3) of the member unions shall constitute a quorum.
  9. All delegates and candidates for elections must fulfil the requirement that they are secondary school students or activists who have left school not more than three years previous to the commencement of the Congress. Documentary evidence will be requested in all cases.

ARTICLE 7: The Board

  1. The Board shall consist of six full member unions, elected by the Congress on the basis of a system of five regional Secretaries from the regions of Africa, Asia and Pacific, Middle East & Arab region, Europe & North America, and Latin America & the Caribbean, and the Secretary General. All elections shall be held by secret ballot. The first five posts shall be elected by the electorate of the respective continent, whilst the Secretary General shall be elected by the whole of the Congress. The elected member unions shall appoint the persons that will represent them in the Board.
  2. The Board shall work towards the objectives outlined in Article 2, shall execute the functions outlined in Article 3 and shall follow and implement such directives as the Congress may lay down.
  3. The Board may work in co-operation with other national, regional and international organisations in following articles 2 & 3 of the Constitution.
  4. The Board has the right to execute all other powers granted to it elsewhere in the Constitution.
  5. Meetings of the Board shall be convened at the request of at least three members of the Board or the Secretary General provided at least 14 days' notice in writing is given of such a meeting.
  6. The Board is obliged to meet at least twice annually.
  7. The quorum for a meeting of the Board shall be 4 member unions comprising the Board.

ARTICLE 8: The Secretariat

  1. The Secretariat shall consist of the Secretary General and the technical staff that will facilitate the work of IUSESS.
  2. Subject to the decisions of the Board, the Secretariat shall handle the day-to-day administration of the IUSESS.
  3. The Secretariat shall work in co-operation with the Board in pursuit of the objectives outlined in Article 2, the implementation of the functions outlined in Article 3 and in implementing any specific directives of the Board or Congress.
  4. The Secretariat shall prepare the activities of the Board.
  5. The Secretary General shall be a member of the Board and shall have voting rights.
  6. The IUSESS shall have its own stamp (cancellation or seal), which shall include the emblem of the union and its initials.

ARTICLE 9: Finances

  1. The Congress shall determine the finances of IUSESS, that shall consist of
    • membership fees and dues
    • proceeds from activities and publications
    • donations from friendly and partner organisations as long as these have no conditions attached to them
  2. The board shall examine the budget and accounts and make a report to the Congress.

ARTICLE 10: Amendment of the Constitution

  1. The Constitution may only be amended by the Congress.
  2. Amendments of this Constitution must be submitted to the Secretariat in writing at least 6 weeks before the meeting of the Congress at which they are to be considered, takes place. These must in turn be circulated to all participating organisations by the Secretariat.
  3. Any amendment to this Constitution must be adopted by a 2/3 majority of all votes cast at the meeting in question.

ARTICLE 11: Dissolution of the Union

  1. A proposal to dissolve the Union shall be discussed at two successive Congresses.
  2. The proposal can only be adopted when two thirds (2/3) of the votes are in favour at both Congresses.
  3. If the Union is dissolved the Congress shall decide upon the use of the Union's property.


  1. For the purposes of interpretation of this Constitution, considered as national organisations of school students shall be:
    • National School Student Unions (NSSUs)
    • National Unions of Students (NUSes) that group together Secondary School Students (SESS) and Tertiary or University Students (TUS)
  2. Due to the dual membership of member organisations of IUSESS with IUS, the former shall establish close working relations to the latter, keeping its organisational autonomy and independence. The type of working relations between IUSESS and IUS shall be determined on the basis of a mutually agreed protocol, which will be decided and reviewed during the Congress of the IUSESS.
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