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Student Perspectives in UN Peacebuilding Meeting

Jacob Blasius, GSF Executive Director, highlighted the critical role of students and education in peacebuilding at UN Expert-level Meeting, emphasizing the need for greater youth inclusion in global peace efforts.

Student Perspectives in UN Peacebuilding Meeting
Photo by Matthew TenBruggencate / Unsplash

New York, July 17, 2024 – Global Student Forum Executive Director, Jacob Blasius, made an impact at the Expert-level Meeting on the Peacebuilding Architecture Review held at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The meeting that focused on the intersection of education and peacebuilding, provided a platform for youth representatives to share their perspectives on how education can serve as a powerful tool for sustaining peace and fostering global stability.

The meeting leads up to the 2025 Review of the Peacebuilding Architecture, a process critical for evaluating and enhancing the UN's peacebuilding efforts. The review, initiated by the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council, seeks to assess the United Nations System's work in peacebuilding and sustaining peace, with an emphasis on incorporating the voices of young peacebuilders.

Blasius, representing the GSF, emphasized the need for greater inclusion of youth in peacebuilding processes, citing the importance of education as a cornerstone for empowering young people and preventing conflict. He highlighted the Global Student Forum's ongoing efforts to ensure that student voices are not only heard but are central to the discussions and decision-making processes at all levels of peacebuilding initiatives.

"Education is not just a fundamental right; it is a powerful tool for peace," said Blasius during the meeting. "By investing in education, particularly in conflict-affected regions, we are investing in the future of global peace and security. The students have the creativity, resilience, and determination to drive lasting change, but they need access to quality education to fully realize their potential."

Blasius' participation underscores the Global Student Forum's commitment to advocating for the rights and roles of students and young people in global governance, particularly in areas as crucial as peacebuilding. His contributions to the meeting reinforced the importance of including student perspectives in shaping a more peaceful and just world.

As the process continues, GSF will remain actively engaged, ensuring that the voices of students and youth are integral to the international peacebuilding agenda.

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