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São Paulo - Student Protest is Not a Crime

The Global Student Forum and the Continental Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Students (OCLAE) have issued a statement on the attack on student protest in São Paulo.

São Paulo - Student Protest is Not a Crime

The Global Student Forum (GSF) and the Continental Organization of Latin American and Caribbean Students (OCLAE) stand in solidarity with the unlawfully arrested students in São Paulo, Brazil, on May 22, 2024. 

We firmly stress that student protests are not a crime. 

We condemn the violence and brutality that occurred May 22 in the Legislative Assembly of the State of São Paulo against students who, in a peaceful, democratic and organised manner, exercised their legitimate right to freedom of expression when they demonstrated against a bill that seeks to create civic-military schools in the State of São Paulo. 

Furthermore, we decry the growing tendency to criminalise social movements under Tarcísio's management.

Among the acts of violence recorded, the arbitrary detention of eight students stands out, including the president of the União Paulista dos Estudantes Secundaristas, directors of the UEE-SP, the DCE Livre da USP and other Municipal Student Unions. Many other students were injured.

It is unacceptable that students are criminalised for exercising their right to freedom of expression, peaceful demonstration, and civic participation. GSF stands with OCLAE in strongly condemning any form of repression of students.

We urge authorities to respect and protect the rights of students, ensuring a safe and inclusive environment for free thought and the exchange of ideas. Students are agents of positive change in our societies and should be valued as such.

GSF and OCLAE remain committed to defending the rights of Latin American and Caribbean students, working tirelessly to promote quality education that is accessible and free from any form of persecution.

Together, we say loud and clear: Student protest is not a crime! 


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