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Tertiary Refugee Student Network joins the Global Student Forum

The Tertiary Refugee Student Network (TRSN) is a global network of refugee students and graduates from a variety of higher education programs.

Tertiary Refugee Student Network joins the Global Student Forum

TRSN is a peer to peer support network where Refugee students volunteer their skills and time to help increase the number of refugee youth enrolled in higher education from 6% to 15%by 2030. TRSN students advocate for refugee education on global and national level, raise awareness about the significance of education among their communities, and empower fellow refugee youth through skills training, workshops, and peer support. Since its establishment in June 2019, the TRSN has grown considerably and now has members in 15 countries around the world, united by their dedication to open up opportunities and space for more refugee students.

TRSN has three core objectives:

● Increase refugee self-reliance through connecting refugee learners and alumniat local, national, and global levels

● Advocate for greater access to higher education to achieve 15% enrollment of young refugees by 2030

● Provide guidance to institutions and students to promote quality academic experiences for young refugees.

While the TRSN is led and driven by committed and engaged Refugee students around the world, the Network is actively seeking partnerships with national and global stakeholders in higher education, refugee policy, and youth engagement in order to increase the level of refugee student participation in organizations’ programming and policy making as well as their increased access to higher education around the world.

TRSN’s work is supported and recognized by UNHCR which helps bring refugee voices to the center of discussions and decisions about their present and future. Through this platform, refugee students and alumni create synergies to support each other in developing their communities and encouraging students around the world to stand up for young refugees’ right to Higher Education.

Today, over 100 million people are displaced around the world; this by far is the largest number of displaced people since WWII and the establishment of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. However, despite the growing number of refugees around the world, the global education system is lagging behind its promise and potential to provide equal opportunities for young people who have been forced to flee their homes due to war, persecution or natural disaster. Throughout the years of fierce and unwavering advocacy, we have learned that the inclusion of refugees in national education systems is not possible solely through refugees voicing support for refugees. Today, a global challenge of this magnitude requires strong partnerships with academic institutions and especially non-refugee students to address the institutional injustice that is being done to young refugees around the world.

With TRSN joining the Global Student Forum, we are opening a new chapter of collaboration between refugee and non-refugee students to advance the cause of 15by 30. The GSF platform will provide an exceptional opportunity for refugee students to mobilize global solidarity and support to address the unfair and unjust global education system and ensure that no one is left behind. Through this partnership TRSN will bring a fresh new perspective to the GSF mission; by diversifying and expanding the reach to the most marginalized group of students around the world.

It has been proven time and again that the plight of global students’ justice will never be fulfilled unless we ensure the most basic education goals for refugees and our success will only be determined by our ability to effectively protect the education rights of the most vulnerable part of us. Moving forward, this will continue to be a central part of the new yet significant partnership between GSF and TRSN to ensure that all young people regardless of their background can achieve their full potential through equal access to education.

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The Communication team curates Global Student Forums' digital content and prepares publications. It is a small, dedicated team from around the world.