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Violence against student leaders in Zimbabwe

The Global Student Forum (GSF) issues the following statement on the violence against student leaders in Zimbabwe.

Violence against student leaders in Zimbabwe
ZINASU President Emmanuel Sitima during a speech

The Global Student Forum (GSF) expresses its deep concern and solidarity with the members of the Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) following the brutal crackdown by the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) during their general council meeting on July 24, 2024, in Harare, and the subsequent continued repression of student rights. 

The initial incident has reports indicating that about 44 students were assaulted and arrested during the raid, with many suffering severe injuries, including cracked bones. ZINASU President Emmanuel Sitima, who was arrested on charges of criminal nuisance, appeared before the Harare Magistrates court and was granted USD 100 bail. Other arrested students were released after paying fines. On August 2, ZINASU President Emmanuel Sitima was arrested again, only to be released two days later.

GSF condemns these acts of violence in the strongest possible terms and calls for an immediate end to the use of excessive force against peaceful student gatherings.

We call upon the Zimbabwean Government and security forces to respect the fundamental human right to peaceful assembly and protest. We urge the authorities to conduct an independent investigation into the violence, ensuring those responsible for human rights violations are held accountable. The impact of this violence on students is particularly distressing, disrupting their education and instilling fear within academic communities.

GSF stands with the students of Zimbabwe during this challenging time and calls on educational institutions, humanitarian organisations, and the international community to provide support and assistance to those affected.

As an organisation dedicated to advocating for the rights and welfare of students globally, GSF reaffirms its commitment to standing with the students of Zimbabwe. We extend our heartfelt solidarity to all those affected by violence, and we wish to echo the statement “Alarming Escalation of State Repression in Zimbabwe Ahead of 44th SADC Summit” by civil society in Zimbabwe.

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